Search results

  1. Smith6612

    Firefox 3 or Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2

    I know a lot of people that use IE7 as their browser. The thing is, IE doesn't start sucking up a lot of RAM until you've used it and have had it open for over an hour and loaded a lot of stuff up. It's stupid as to why it does that, some sort of cache memory leak when yet IE has to reload...
  2. Smith6612

    What would you rather have

    I'm a PC gamer as well, but I'd prefer the PS3 mainly for the Blu-Ray support. I would go with the xBox, and I have nothing against it but it's going to become dated really quick because of the age of the console.
  3. Smith6612


    You're welcome Rage39a! Hope you're enjoying the account.
  4. Smith6612

    "We will never forget"

    I was in 3rd grade at the time this happened. I remember the school going into a lock down and us turning on the TVs to see what was happening. I do remember seeing the second plane crash into the building, but this was a sad day for many people. Fortunately for me no one I know was in that...
  5. Smith6612


    Welcome to x10 Rage39a!
  6. Smith6612

    Hello (from Spain)

    Welcome to x10 cursillo!
  7. Smith6612

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban alexandgruntz because I have to go to school now :(
  8. Smith6612

    Energy Saving (or not!)

    Well, I can completely agree with you on your big paragraph. Otherwise, there's most likely no way we can get computers to run better but use less power, as with the amount of transistors or whatever in a processor has always been increasing. Also, Desktops and Laptops do get the same...
  9. Smith6612

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Heh, you're telling me. We first got a cell phone with Sprint, which was a very old Analog/Digital phone but worked good. That's been deactivated for a while now, since we had replaced it with a new phone along with changed carriers to Verizon Wireless. Otherwise, all of our old phones still...
  10. Smith6612

    Other free hosting?

    No clue, but x10 is pretty much the best out there. We are not allowed to talk about any other hosting company here either, but what it seems to be in your case is you're running Basic PHP. I have Intermediate PHP installed which allows me to use things like the sendmail feature, and more. If...
  11. Smith6612

    New to x10 hosting and needs to consult admins

    Welcome to x10 oxunder!
  12. Smith6612

    Hey Everyone

    Welcome to x10 ClusterMedia! If your hosting account doesn't come up within a day of registration, contact the staff in the Free Hosting Forum and they should see what is going on or at least tell you why it isn't working. In some cases, DNS may take up to two days to update which could be why...
  13. Smith6612

    Hello Guys! I'm also New Here

    Welcome to x10 mushroom-eater!
  14. Smith6612

    Hello every1 finnair deejays ere

    Welcome to x10 finnairdjs! You can be an Internet Radio station DJ if you wanted to DJ on the internet, or it could be for a website for an actual job he's doing tonykgv...
  15. Smith6612

    Hi everyone

    Welcome to x10 papadon!
  16. Smith6612


    Welcome to x10 jackbyo!
  17. Smith6612

    i am getting bored

    I came on around 5:50AM EST and then from there I opened up a game and played to 7:10 when I had to head off to school. So yeah. btw, what's with all of the notifications? lol
  18. Smith6612

    Forum game <King of the hill>

    I respawn onto the hill, enable noclip, then taunt Dazz while building a sentry gun to shoot him :D
  19. Smith6612

    Vending Machine (Game)

    You get a broken GameBoy Advance handheld in pieces. I insert a smashed hand held game console.
  20. Smith6612

    Forum Game <Wish>

    Wish granted, though you become infamous after your money was found to belong to the US government and you become the biggest criminal in history. I wish that I had more pizza to eat.