x10hosting does not own or control the co.cc subdomains. They just offer it as an easy option and they have links to the main co.cc site.
You have to go to http://co.cc and register your choice of domains. Most are free for personal use. They do charge for "premium" names like ford.co.cc and...
The co.cc domain loads for me (you should have an index.html or index.php file in your public_html directory). From what I can see, a smorgasborg cafe.
Due to the uneven nature of the DNS system, it might take awhile (24-48 hrs) for you to see the site. Flush DNS and clear browser cache...
You account will not be unsuspended. They take nulled software quite seriously at x0hosting.
You Free Hosting account will remain suspended, no access, no downloads, until it and all its contents are deleted some time after 14 days.
You are trying to use mail() in the script. For some reason it throws that error for everybody.
Alternative is to run the script from the Web via wget.
wget -O - http://yourURL/test/cron.php?key=67ni8eadn9969 >>/home/xnrs/public_html/test/cron_log.txt 2>&1
Add a bit of code at the top...
/usr/local/bin/php /home/xsnr/public_html/test/cron.php >>/home/xsnr/public_html/test/cron_log.txt 2>&1
For testing, use every 5 minutes. The system is set up to delete 1 minute jobs. This puts any output (echo) or error messages into cron_log.txt . The mail notification system has...
What directory did you originally install WP in?
What directory did you want WP to be in now?
Please post the contents of the .htaccess of that directory, of public_html, and the directory you want it to end up.
Unzip the file on your computer.
Make 3 copies of the file for 4 total.
Open #1 in Notepad++ and edit so you just have the first 1/4 of the file. Make sure you include complete SQL statements
Repeat 3 times, leaving each copy with 1/4 of the file.
Zip each individually.
Import each in order...
Unsuspended. You have to log in here, the Forum (not cPanel or Account Panel) once every 31 days. If you unsuspend yourself before visiting the Forum, it puts you back in the suspension queue. You should be okay now.
"For educational purposes" you can make a site for the First National Bank of Gotham City, Smallville branch. Show how you can "fool people".
But having a domain UpdateYourPassword.facebook.com.changepassword.x10.bz and then putting up a Facebook look alike goes beyond "educational purposes".
Both are enabled.
If they were not, you could make a post in Feedback & Suggestions and make your case for why they should be enabled for all the Free Hosting servers and accounts. Such adjustments cannot be made on an account by account basis.