Search results

  1. descalzo

    Is it piracy?

    You might survive 24 hrs before your site is permanently suspended. And now that you have admitted your intentions and have be told you cannot do it, there will be no "I didn't knows". Not that it would help.
  2. descalzo

    Is it piracy?

    Do you have the right(s) to distribute them? Or are you talking about links to legitimate sites where you can buy and/or download them?
  3. descalzo

    php - mysql error Fatal error: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'

    Did you create the database on your x10 account using cPanel --> MySQL Databases? Create the user? Attach the user to the database with all privileges? The database name should be YYYYY_aaaaa where YYYYY is your cPanel username and aaaaa is the additional name you gave it. Same with the user.
  4. descalzo

    PHP Login

    If you do not put your new code out each time, it is useless for us to try to figure out what you might have done. You apparently have at least gotten connected to the database. The error now seems to be that you are trying to execute() something that is not a PDO statement object. The...
  5. descalzo

    Permissions help

    Try it on public_html. www is actually just a symbolic link (to public_html)
  6. descalzo

    Permissions help

    Have you tried the Legacy File Manager? It sometimes works better than the main one in cPanel.
  7. descalzo

    Quick Question

    Look for the "settings" menu link at the top of the page. The page should list how much you have, along with the last 5 reputations given to you.
  8. descalzo

    Safari Issue

    This is a jQuery plugin, just a .js file. Not like Flash or Silverlight.
  9. descalzo

    Something to Consider

    To be blunt, your complaint should not have been escalated. When something is a server wide problem, we try to contact an Admin directly by various means. Escalation is the slow way to do it. It should be for problems that affect your account, not the entire server(s). Problems with add on...
  10. descalzo

    Please Help....

    All brand new domains take some time to become full configured. While that is happening, the server puts out the Default Web page, even if you have uploaded files. It takes 24-48 for the process to complete (there are a lot of new domain requests per day). Clear your browser cache and history...
  11. descalzo

    .htaccess help

    Check the permissions on public_html . That seems to be the problem. Do you get the error if you rename .htaccess and try to access /index.php ?
  12. descalzo whats up with the mx10.m10

    1. Take off the parked domain and the subdomain first. 2. Go to the Account Panel and change your main domain to the one you want. UNCHECK Use an x10Hosting subdomain as my account's main domain . That was your problem.
  13. descalzo

    Account suspended for unliscend IPB

    Not licensed is the same as nulled. Software you do not have the legal right to use. Just like the vBulletin that got your account nuked last time.
  14. descalzo

    Safari Issue is what I found. Apparently that plugin is old and not maintained.
  15. descalzo

    PHP Login

    <?php try { $host = 'localhost'; $port = 3306; $database = 'members'; $db_username = 'stencil_access'; $db_password = ''; $DSN = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;port=$port;dbname=$database", $db_username, $db_password); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); }...
  16. descalzo

    Can you please Un-suspend my account please!!!!!!!!!

    Done. Please remember to log in here, the Forum, at least once every 31 days to avoid inactivity suspensions. Posting is not required. cPanel and Account Panel do not count.
  17. descalzo

    Anything illegal to get my account suspended?

    This is not imageshack or photobucket. File hosting is against the T.O.S. Period.
  18. descalzo

    My site is gone!

    That domain is linked to the Forum username davidwoodfx . Could you sign in under that name?
  19. descalzo

    Chopin server - availability problems again

    Do you have an inner page, ie /wp/index.php that I could try? Your front page seems to be index.htm (page under construction) , which usually does not have problems (.php pages hooked onto MySQL pages are the ones that time out).
  20. descalzo

    Mod-rewrite module and .htaccess

    Where did you get that .htaccess file? If you got it from that Codex page, read the page again. And if you were trying to use wildcard subdomains, they do not work on x10hosting.