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  1. descalzo

    What's wrong

    "Remember Bulgaria" seems to be up and running now.
  2. descalzo

    PHP 'magic_quotes_gpc' setting is ON, but should be OFF.

    In cPanel/FileManager or FTP, in you Zikula install directory, find system\Admin\pntemplates\admin_admin_securityanalyzer.htm Make a backup of the file. Then edit the original, around line 11: <li><!--[gt text="PHP 'magic_quotes_gpc' setting is ON, but should be OFF."...
  3. descalzo

    How to make this (PHP CSS )

    are the pages home.php contact.php about.php etc? or index.php?x=home index.php?x=contact etc?
  4. descalzo

    Please Unsuspend My Hosting Account

    Done. Sometimes the system sticks a bit and it needs a second kick. Please remember to log in here, the Forum (cPanel and Account Panel do not count), at least once every 31 days to prevent Inactivity Suspensions.
  5. descalzo

    Unsuspension Request

    Sorry, no. Testing out stolen goods (which is what nulled software is) on x10hosting servers is not tolerated. Your Free Hosting account is permanently suspended with no access or backups. It and its contents will be deleted some time after 14 days.
  6. descalzo

    Homepage hasn't changed for parked domain

    My Whois search shows the nameservers are set to
  7. descalzo

    Account Suspended

    You are 100% responsible for your account. If you let someone have access to it, you live with the consequences.
  8. descalzo

    error after changing main domin

    When you change your domain name, it takes up to 24-48 hrs for the system to reconfigure itself (there are so many such requests that they have to be queued and run in batches) to point your new domain name to your existing files. All you can do is wait. If you change it again, you will just...
  9. descalzo

    Request for the lifting of suspension of account

    Done. Please remember to log in here, the Forum (cPanel and Account Panel do not count) at least once every 31 days to avoid Inactivity Suspensions.
  10. descalzo

    My page is still displaying suspended, even after unsuspension

    Tried a manual suspension/unsuspension but that did not remove the Suspended Page. Escalating to a Support Ticket. This will close the thread (Don't Panic!) but you can follow the Support Ticket by clicking on the gold bar at top.
  11. descalzo

    CMS: Evolution Extrme

    The script installers are 3rd party products. You would have to lobby them to include your choice in their product.
  12. descalzo

    cant get on my site

    Sign in and follow the instructions. This time I did it for you. Please remember to log into the Forum (cPanel and Account Panel do not count) at least once every 31 days to prevent another Inactivity Suspension.
  13. descalzo

    Confused with File Hosting part of TOS

    If you are going to show them on your site, fine. If you are going to show them from another site, not fine. If you are going to keep them as a backup for your computer, not fine. If you are going to just let your friends download the files, not fine. x10hosting is not a data warehouse for...
  14. descalzo

    Alert-alert - google de-indexed/banned all sub domains

    Probably because the number of scam/spam/warez/phishing/attack sites from the sites.
  15. descalzo


    If you just changed your domain name, it can take 24-48 hrs for the system to complete the change. In the mean time, it serves up the default web page. It happens to everybody. Only the amount of time varies (depends on the number of such changes). Clear your browser cache and history...
  16. descalzo

    Alert-alert - google de-indexed/banned all sub domains

    His point is that all of is gone/barred from Google. Which is a fact. You said "they changed it". You made it sound like you have a domain and that it is still on Google. Google and you will get a ton of listings. Google and you get nothing.
  17. descalzo

    cPanel "Upgrade"?

    The free servers (at least Chopin) is running cPanel 11.28.87 The above changes are in cPanel 11.30.0 . It may be a question of matching x10's specs to the newer version. Several of the "issues" that have caused problems are due to limitations, etc in cPanel.
  18. descalzo

    Alert-alert - google de-indexed/banned all sub domains

    Keywords and domain?
  19. descalzo

    link my web space with

    You have to tell your registrar that you do not want your domain "redirected" You have to tell them to set the DNS nameservers for your domain to What they are doing now is pointing your .org domain to their servers, which then send out a page with a...
  20. descalzo

    Mysql remote access to windows c# application Development

    You cannot access the x10hosting MySQL server from outside the system. You can only access it from inside your account. Free hosting does not support any form of ASP. PHP only.