Search results

  1. descalzo

    Changing Cpanel from x10hosting

    1. Open your cPanel here 2. Open File Manager. Go to public_html. Select everything and then Compress into a GZipped Tar archive. Download it so you can upload it to your new host. 3. From cPanel, go to PHPMyAdmin and use the Export facility to backup/download any databases. 4. Open your...
  2. descalzo

    Small but big problem shows up on my system as an add-on domain, but your DNS is set to another host.
  3. descalzo

    cant get on my website

    Your server, Stoli , is having problems with it's MySQL at the moment. Your site is not the only one affected. A Staffmember is working on the problem.
  4. descalzo

    cant get on my website

    I show phpBB General Error Page due to a MySQL connect problem. Is that what you are seeing?
  5. descalzo

    I can not create addons domains

    Please list exactly how you want your domains to be. 1. Main Domain 2. Parked domain(s) 3. Add-on domain(s) 4. Sub-domain(s) Note that each add-on domain takes up a sub-domain slot.
  6. descalzo

    dns servers info
  7. descalzo

    Only 2 MySQL Databases - need extra

    You can have multiple scripts use the same database. WordPress, Joomla, etc all allow you to use table prefixes so they can have multiple installations of the same script or different scripts use the same database. You just have to make sure that if you already have a database igor_wp for...
  8. descalzo

    my is down!! defaultwebpage.cgi

    Try clearing your browser cache/history. The default page shouldn't be there. A MySQL error instead. It might be that Stoli is having problems.
  9. descalzo

    Account Login Issue

    The login problem has been noted. You are not the only one. Your suspension was for High Resource Usage (usually a script hogging CPU and/or memory). I have unsuspended you.
  10. descalzo

    404 Not Found

    What is your cPanel username or your domain name? There is no Free Hosting account linked to this Forum account name.
  11. descalzo

    Email mail() Alternative

    Thanks. Have been using PEAR::Mail but that involves downloading PEAR and other requirements.
  12. descalzo

    Crons are being deleted

    How often was the cron being run? Less than 5 minutes apart, and the system should shut it down.
  13. descalzo

    Cannot log in?

    I have the similar problem. Certificate error and then blank page. Happened after I cleared cache/history, but not before.
  14. descalzo

    Can't run cgi script

    Staff have disabled cgi-bin for now. An official announcement should be made soon.
  15. descalzo

    PHP do not send mail on CHOPIN

    mail() seems to be working on Chopin now. But it still seems like yahoo and hotmail are refusing delivery from x10.
  16. descalzo

    Website not found/ The specified website does not exist

    Can you tell us the last time you saw your site working properly?
  17. descalzo

    domain breaking frames

    Still, what is the problem? If you have frames/iframes on your page and they link to a 3rd party and do not display, complain to the 3rd party.
  18. descalzo

    PHP is not sending mail.

    Seems there is a problem on your server, Chopin, with mail(). You are not the only one. Several others have reported the same problem of the mail() function returning False (ie, not sent). I have notified Staff and they are looking into it.
  19. descalzo

    Broke rules or not?

    If someone posts information about cracking etc, or links to sites with "How to's", you are 100% responsible. If someone posts a copyrighted video or images, you are 100% responsible. Your "don't post X here" is not enough. Having a forum named "Hacking" seems like an open invitation to...
  20. descalzo

    domain breaking frames

    That domain is not pointed to x10hosting and it does not appear to be used by any account here. Could you clarify what you are trying to do and your exact problem?