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  1. kim_foxx

    Changed Permalinks now Parent not working

    I'm trying to fix the website below and I changed the Permalinks from Default to Post-Name. Now all the pages that have Treatments as a Parent in page attributes are not found when i visit their direct link. However, when i set the Permalinks back to default...
  2. kim_foxx

    Wordpress Enabling Comments?

    Does anyone how to enable comments on posts after they have been created? Resolved: I realized I can edit each published Page or Post and check "Allow comments" in each case. If you do not see this pane, click Screen Options at the very top of the page and check "Discussion".
  3. kim_foxx

    Invisible Backlinks?

    Thanks for the info! I better behave myself i guess...
  4. kim_foxx

    G-Blog Youtube Channel on Side

    Does anyone know how I can add a list in text or small thumbnail images of all my Youtube videos on the right hand side of a Google blog?
  5. kim_foxx

    Free Email Marketing Tools?

    Can anyone recommend any?
  6. kim_foxx

    Free Google Analytics Desktop?

    Does anyone know a free way on how I can have Google Analytics on my desktop so I don't need to login to the web version?
  7. kim_foxx

    Invisible Backlinks?

    If you have multiple websites is it possible to make back-links in the back-end to your different websites without them being visible to your users?
  8. kim_foxx

    Make Firefox load on a specific screen?

    I have 2 screens. One is a TV and another is a monitor. I want firefox to ALWAYS open on the monitor becaue at the moment sometimes it opens on the TV and i need to turn the TV on to move the browser to the monitor then turn the TV off. Any ideas?
  9. kim_foxx

    Best Free Wordpress Backup?

    I would like to back up my websites to my computer just in case others try to damage it then it can easily be restored
  10. kim_foxx

    Best Free Wordpress Backup?

    I recently tried BackUpWordPress but it only backups the database and not the files.... Does anyone know of any other good ones?
  11. kim_foxx

    Payza Vs Solid Trust Pay vs HyperWallet

    Has anyone tried any of these 3 payment systems? Which one did you find works best?
  12. kim_foxx

    ThunderBird 17.0.7 cannot open links.

    I am having trouble opening links from Thunderbird. There's no option for me to copy or visit link when i right click on it. When i click on the link it does nothing. I've searched some old threads and changed a few things but no luck. I also tried to use the ThunderBrowse plugin but that didn't...
  13. kim_foxx

    Error with sitemap_index.xml

    I get the below error when trying to access the sitemap file.... Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? Error loading stylesheet: An unknown error has occurred...
  14. kim_foxx

    Video Editing like Photoshop?

    Is there a way to crop out a specific section of a video and add it to another one? Say you crop out just spiderman from the movie and then add him to a different movie and when you press play it plays both?
  15. kim_foxx

    Resume from Photoshop to large

    Thanks! Exactly what i needed! :)
  16. kim_foxx

    Resume from Photoshop to large

    I created a resume in photoshop and have exported 3 pdf and then combined them together using PDFBinder. However the resume is 105MB.... Does anyone know how i could make it smaller? say in the KB's?
  17. kim_foxx

    Faster Wifi?

    Thanks!!!! One more questions.... If i get that Access Point do i wirelessly place it in another room or is it connected to the router with a cable and then placed in another room?
  18. kim_foxx

    Faster Wifi?

    After reading your great post essellar I'm thinking about getting this Access Point: I can place this wirelessly in another room to boost the Wifi connection, is that correct?
  19. kim_foxx

    Faster Wifi?

    I have broadband internet with Optus. A few days ago I had a Motorola Modem and a Netgear WNR2000 Router. The Wireless internet was not as fast and the wifi signal bars were not full I think about 4 so i decided to replace it with a newer Modem/Router in one that optus provided us with. It is...
  20. kim_foxx

    Security Cam

    I'm looking to purchase an IP Camera which I can use to look outside onto the street from my house. I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations? I want it to have good night vision and be viewed from my computer