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  1. kim_foxx

    What do you use?

    I'm just wondering what online revenue program do you use and have they made a big difference?
  2. kim_foxx

    Sharecash payment proof

    Your website was really useful! Thanks
  3. kim_foxx

    Settup up Domain help

    I have now fixed the problem. I was doing subdomain instead of subdomain addon. Thanks! :)
  4. kim_foxx

    Settup up Domain help Subdomain: ateenslife.kf.10hosting Document root: public_html/
  5. kim_foxx

    Settup up Domain help

    Hi all, I've been trying to set up my xhosting account to use a .com. Under the domain account i have added the name servers. on the xhosting account i have gone to sub domain. Subdomain i put: blah.foxx.10hosting and in docuemnt root i put...