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  1. halohub2

    Server not found

    Hey when I try to get on my site it says sever not found why is this I can't post my Id for my accound as I am on my iPod but my account is the same as my forum account halohub2
  2. halohub2

    Service unavailable

    every now and again i get a service unavailable message this could be really bad as my site is a forum and if they wrote a really long post and if this happens when they click post they will loose that post they spent a long time on :dunno: :laugh:
  3. halohub2

    Hey my forum is down with a 500 server error is that to do with the cpannel update

    Hey my forum is down with a 500 server error is that to do with the cpannel update
  4. halohub2

    500 sever error

    when i try to acces my cpannel this comes up Safari can’t open the page “” because Safari can’t connect to the server “”. why is this my account id is SNP4797005692 also i cannot access my mybb forum now to which i am not happy...