Search results

  1. pbmuja

    3ds max vs maya.

    This statement is correct. Both are different, Autodesk created this two programs with two different purposes in graphic design because Autodesk will incorporate this 2 programs in 1 software if they have the same purpose.
  2. pbmuja

    3D Animation

    good skills though i want to learn it too.
  3. pbmuja

    what do you think of the new design of the forum?

    quite confusing at first cause i used to in the old design but now i am use to it already
  4. pbmuja

    Good Joke

    Cool Joke
  5. pbmuja

    Joomla Template Tutorial

    Anyone here has a tutorial on how to create joomla template? Please help!
  6. pbmuja

    Avatars made *Characters not done by me*

    Wow! cool designs! dats what u called real talent!
  7. pbmuja

    Adobe CS3 vs Adobe CS4

    For me CS4 much convenient to use.
  8. pbmuja

    Which touchscreen phone would you go for?

    For me I prefer LG phones, It uses windows OS platform with flash camera in high resolution.
  9. pbmuja

    get free traffic by surfing

    This one is cool Thank you......
  10. pbmuja

    Best Antivirus for Mac

    Whats the Best Antivirus for Mac or does Mac needs an antivirus?
  11. pbmuja

    urgent site admin and moderator need help!

    Yesterday my site seems fine but now it will show a different page when i enter my link. I think my site has been hacked because when I go to my site and its links. It will not go directly to my site and instead a different website and page will show up. please help...
  12. pbmuja

    My acoount has a problem, need help!!!

    when I logged in my account it displayed a message: An Error Has Occurred Although you've logged in successfully, there was an error retrieving your account's hosting type from the backend system. can anyone from the moderators or admin can help me pls. my username is pbmuja my account is...
  13. pbmuja

    Need Admin and Moderator Help!!!

    Pls. can you help me admin! When I open my site there was a cpnel ad page instead of my webpage. when I logged in my account in, These message appears "There was an error retrieving your account's hosting type from the backend system". My username is...
  14. pbmuja

    my c panel hangs... corey help!

    corey pls. help me when I access my c panel it stops after loading. my cpanel is pls. i need to acces my cpanel, ty in adnamce and more power to x10hosting.