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  1. S

    Why consoles are rubbish!

    There's no ads on XMB. but there's ads in PS home tho, those billboard stuff.
  2. S

    Why consoles are rubbish!

    like u stated since the list of games for pc goes way back when. you should also include NES,Snes etc games and what not, since u can get those on Wii. also PS1, PS2, Xbox, etc. Edit: Thanks for proving my point again, whats the point of power it it's not utilized 100%? It's like having a...
  3. S

    What games are you waiting for this year?

    I think the games for ps3 this year is better than last. and in 3rd party games too. I waiting for Street Figher IV Killzone 2 Infamous White Knight Story Heavy rain Uncharted 2 Ratchet & Clank The Agency (if there is no monthly fees) GOWIII( if it makes it this year) GT5(if it makes it this...
  4. S

    Why consoles are rubbish!

    Ok, if you buy upgrades, you would have to buy it online or at a store, mostly online because it's cheaper and more parts you can choose from. Shipping take time, few days, then you get you're parts, you have to unscrew all the screws, open the case, takeout/insert the part. Install drivers if...
  5. S

    Sony Japan to close factories. Playstation division may be in trouble.

    PS3 shipped just about the same as 360 in 2008 PlayStation 3: 10.77m Xbox 360: 10.8m SHIPPED LIFETIME TO DATE PlayStation 3: 21.35m Xbox 360: 28.45m link remember PS3 was outselling the 360 early 2008 until 360 had the price drop...
  6. S

    Why consoles are rubbish!

    1) it takes longer to upgrade. 2) it cost more to upgrade once a year r w.e than buying a new console once every 5 to when ever the user wants to upgrade (look at PS2 still selling after 9 years) 3) you would still have to buy/upgrade the whole system once in a while new platform like the new...
  7. S

    Why consoles are rubbish!

    Take another guess... Even the PSP can be use go on the internet. Same with PS3. You can view photos, listen to music, watch videos, go surf on the web, folding@home, video/voice chat... Funny you say that because right now consoles are becoming more like "computers"... With PS3 you can...
  8. S

    Sony Japan to close factories. Playstation division may be in trouble.

    Define better and fun... There was "better" PS3 games than 360 games last year... And it also seems like it this year too. look at metacritics more PS3 games last year score a 9+ avg score than 360 games... Edit: Sony was always in trouble? lol, dont make me laugh... umm one in every ps3...
  9. S

    what do you think about the psp?

    maybe they are waiting for psp2 instead of putting the PS brand to SE brand, put the SE brand on PS brand. If you know what i mean. lol
  10. S

    what do you think about the psp?

    where did u get that info? Edit: there's skype...
  11. S

    Last summer's after effects project...

    What program did you use? You used the same animation/scene over and over, makes it kind of boring....
  12. S

    Sony Japan to close factories. Playstation division may be in trouble.

    PS3 is not "rubbish". lol Sony is lossing money from PS3 sales but are making it back from game, accessories sales. Doubt they will make PS devision smaller either. If they release a new PS so soon, they will lose even more money...
  13. S

    Here I come Gamers!

    I don't think anyone here cares what kind of system you have...;)
  14. S

    Sony Japan to close factories. Playstation division may be in trouble.

    Sony used to say sold as shipped, but they changed it about 2 years ago or so? I know when Nintendo says sold they mean sold. Microsoft im not sure about, that's why I asked. Edit: new Killzone 2 video (i'm downloading it right...
  15. S

    Here I come Gamers!

    64 bit os doesnt magically improve optimization of more cores... It can only use more ram while 32bit can only use 3.2gb of ram...
  16. S

    Here I come Gamers!

    Not a really good one, i need to upgrade, but dont have much funds but might get a tablet pc tho... anyways i dont game much on computer. I play games on consoles.
  17. S

    Here I come Gamers!

    Exactly. Quad Core is only good with software that supports Multitreading, ie. Photoshop CS, encoding videos and what not.
  18. S

    Sony Japan to close factories. Playstation division may be in trouble.

    Ya, i only use it for console sells, that article even mentions about 8 million lead, which i also stated... on vgchartz site it actually says 27.21m for 360 and 19.31m for PS3, i just rounded it down... Doesn't Microsoft say shipped as sold? or did they changed that?
  19. S

    Here I come Gamers!

    huh? That last paragraph has a lot of grammar problems... When did I say i7 wasn't quad core? I said [most] games does not utilize quad core... which is true... Different configuration from Q6600? if you mean a new architecture then yea it's a "different configuration" you should re-read what...