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  1. S

    360 vs. ps3

    you don't even have own a PS3 (or even played it?), so of course you are going to be bias against the PS3.
  2. S

    360 vs. ps3

    technically GTA4 and FEAR that you listed is just addon/package. so... POSTAL 3 is also coming out for PS3... Battlefield 2 is out on ps2/xbox too same with GRAW trying to beef up the list huh? Resistance Warhawk Uncharted Time Crisis 4 Haze Socom: Confrontation Resistance 2 Killzone 2...
  3. S

    360 vs. ps3

    List 360 exclusive shooter games, and i will list ps3 exlusive shooters. I think you are just bias against ps3.
  4. S

    360 vs. ps3

    seems like there are more shooters for the ps3 than the 360, lol
  5. S

    Xbox 360 surpasses original Xbox sales

    It actually only lasted for around 4 years not 5 in North America, less in other countries.
  6. S

    360 vs. ps3

    I NEVER said it looked better than the 360 version I said they are GETTING better at DEV-ING on the PS3...
  7. S

    360 vs. ps3

    That sounds more to me like the 360 community... Edit: Ya, but i was just giving an example, lol. but they are getting better at dev. for ps3.
  8. S

    360 vs. ps3

    so if one for your friends says they prefer a game on ps3, you say they didnt say why. But when one of ur friends says ps3 is multiplayer comunity was "just horrible, much wrose than xbox" they/you don't/didn't provide a "why"? You agree to it? For games on the PS3, PS2, the PS wins hands down...
  9. S

    Game movies

    They are making a MGS movie, coming next year or something i believe... Can't wait, lol
  10. S

    360 vs. ps3

    PS3 looks so much sleeker too, lol 360 is anorexic and faints a lot. lol If you look at the games out now/this fall, it is pretty much even right now. But i would have to give the edge to the PS3. I think there are more RPGs on the 360 right now. But that will change in a year or so.
  11. S

    360 vs. ps3

    Re: PS3 vs Xbox 360 and over 600 is user videos.. there are settings and stuff that can affect the comparision.. and you didnt see the one with the video where they used all ps3 videos and say the 360 was better? they pull the vid off after... and it's better to compare in realife...
  12. S

    360 vs. ps3

    Re: PS3 vs Xbox 360 LOL those videos(some) are bias.. and most of them are old..
  13. S

    360 vs. ps3

    Re: PS3 vs Xbox 360 Examples of these videos? and most of these problem resides on the developers not knowing how to utilize the ps3 well. Now, those problems are fixed from most if not all developers....
  14. S

    Good Ps3 Games

    What type of games do you like? Do you play online? how much money can you spend, and how far into the future do you want to spend the money? some questions so I can suggust some games to you.
  15. S

    Sony announces 80GB PS3 will be $399 in Sept.

    Not everyone wants backwards compatibility, or the card slots... Why don't you go out and get the MGS4 bundle then?
  16. S

    Final Fantasy XIII coming to Xbox 360

    The Crystal Tool was changed from the White Engine which was specificly developed for the PS3... 1UP: Can you discuss the process of developing the game's engine -- as it evolved from the White Engine into Crystal Tools, did everything go as planned, or were there some bumps along the way...
  17. S

    PS3 Or XBOX 360

    The whole MS conference were mostly Mii2 things, Avatar = Mii + Home, right in the middle too, graphic/style/interactivity wise. new interface = xmb + channels. Lips = SingStar You're In the Movies = Eyetoy games Scene It = Buzz
  18. S

    PC or Console Gaming?

    I think the PC has more problems that you may in counter.. What you mean by limited players?
  19. S

    PS3 Or XBOX 360

    Who ever said the X360 has a good interface... Then why is Microsoft changing it this fall? It's like XMB + Wii Channel = New interface...