Good call guys. I was tempted to start playing it (was bored today) and I remembered my two week requirement and hopped on here. Turns out to be some crap that could load me with viruses or something.
I liked the Beta more. For me, it was faster and just worked. Now they made it suck. Same machine, but slower and used 5-10% of CPU all the time on idle. Gah.
I completely appreciate their best effort to restore my site (and the rest of the affected peoples), though one can't help to worry for something that I have worked on for hours as I don't want to start back from square one.
Hello there!
I have been trying to access my site for 3 (5?) days and OpenDNS says it is not loading. is there any problem in the server?
Hello there!
I have a website linked to my forum account and it has been replaced by a "welcome to Apache" page. I can't connect to Cpanel, I can't FTP, I can't login, nothing.
Any help? I'm on