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  1. ASPX.King

    check out my xhtml+css+xml+xslt + some ajax site :P

    it didn't load at all
  2. ASPX.King

    New person's first site (or not)

    wow, i see someone actually went through the tutorial... i started it when i was learning dreamweaver, but never finished... it looks just like their sample flash is not essential for a modern website, but it helps to keep it from being static, never-changing. i'm a professional website...
  3. ASPX.King

    Could you rate this page?

    it looks good, i love the menu on the left (although i haven't seen what happens when you hover) i'd center the links on the very top left if you have an index.php file or something like that, you need to delete it
  4. ASPX.King

    Google Pagerank..!

    they aren't assigned a page rank until google indexes them in it's search database, the link tittat posted is a good way to help get in the database...
  5. ASPX.King

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    i ban smith6612 for having numbers in his username, only letters a-z and A-Z are allowed
  6. ASPX.King

    Game Maker?

    game maker makes games yes, you can make advanced games, in 3d and everything, but it's hard to do them that advanced, and you have to get the pay-for version... i've used it, along with many other programs like gamedev, but in the end, i decided that websites were my calling... ;)
  7. ASPX.King

    Rapidshare Account

    oh, that's a different story... i don't have an account, don't they have a free one? (albeit so limited it drives you nuts) someone might download the files for you if you give them a few credits...
  8. ASPX.King

    my site

    it doesn't even work in 1280width, which many people use, many people also use 1024... the borders kinda spoil the design, makes it too busy.
  9. ASPX.King

    Game Maker Help

    you could try adding an event for when the player leaves the ice, telling it to slow way down... game maker is kinda hard to use sometimes, but it's very powerful
  10. ASPX.King

    Bring Traffic to your site/forum. How you do it?

    get a bunch of relevant links from busy sites, people will follow those links, and may or may not stay... word of mouth is the best way to do it.
  11. ASPX.King

    Problems with Windows Vista...

    no, it's not your internet, i'm on 12mps broadband, and on ie flash shows up as white boxes. firefox it works fine for me... have you tried firefox?
  12. ASPX.King

    Joomla Problems - Will Pay Big Credits for Help

    in the stylesheet for the template, add the following line to the #banner section: margin-top:0px; on my computer, that page showed up fine, and the contact buttons also looks fine, unlike your screenshot.
  13. ASPX.King

    2000 Credits Competition

    it gives me a php error when i try to view a topic, unexpected "{" or "}"...
  14. ASPX.King

    How's my site?

    your photography site in your sig isn't up, is that what you were talking about?
  15. ASPX.King

    corporate ad code in SMF forum...

    how about attach it? maybe rename to .txt if it doesn't allow .php files...
  16. ASPX.King

    corporate ad code in SMF forum...

    can you put index.template.php inside a code tag here? then i can take a look at it
  17. ASPX.King


    the human mind is a complex thing. It is always seeking for "truth", whether we know it or not... True truth cannot be found in this world, however, as mankind is corrupt. The real and best reason, in my mind, is that people follow a religion because they know that there is a God, and they want...
  18. ASPX.King

    whats the best forum script

    in my mind, there is no one best forum script. mybb is good, if you're using joomla then fireboard is also good. vbulletin is good for large commercial forums, (that's what x10 uses) and there's a small one by the makers of wordpress, i don't remember what it's called, but it isn't very good...
  19. ASPX.King

    game: kill the above user

    * whoops, i meant smith6612 in my last post * i kill smith6612 by forcing him to take drugs every thirty seconds
  20. ASPX.King

    Got some spare time?

    on the contact page, the news part is cut off other than that, it looks okay, nothing spectacular though.