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  1. ASPX.King

    Earn easy 30 credits!

    this is against the google TOC, you should close this thread. You are not allowed to promote clicking the ads. Just warning you before you get your google account banned, it might not be pleasant for you...
  2. ASPX.King


    Hello! I'm a website designer/developer, my site is I also make sidebar gadgets and a few desktop wallpapers, I'm working on a big community site to put on x10, I'm loving this host so far. so is it allowed to post without...
  3. ASPX.King

    Need some help

    yeah, what's the picture for?
  4. ASPX.King

    Rapidshare Account

    can't you just use another file hosting site? like ziddu? referral link:* non-referral:
  5. ASPX.King

    Problems with Windows Vista...

    yeah, try un-installing flash then re-installing it if it doesn't work, try using firefox i had the same problem on a toshiba, so it's not dell but don't go to a mac, you'll never be happy if you're anything more than a basic user
  6. ASPX.King

    Text speech is annoying and rude

    I don't even know leet... except for a little, like "k" is for "okay"... and that 1337 stands for leet which is short for elite... and plz is please so yes it's irritating to me too when people post that un-readable.
  7. ASPX.King

    Why x10 sucks...

    x10 sucks because they don't! the only thing i can see wrong is what i think is just a temporary problem, the slow speeds sometimes... i've tried about fifty free hosts, the vast majority have something i really don't like. x10 is really good, no big complaints here! good job corey (and...
  8. ASPX.King

    Installing pbpBB2

    okay, first you download the zip from the phpbb website, i assume you got that part. then, upload the zip to the public_html folder on the website, select it, and say "extract". you can choose where it should be extracted, should end in "public_html" now browse to the website, you should see...
  9. ASPX.King

    What's your Speed?

    It's usually about a third this speed, wonder why it's so fast... well, guess i'll enjoy the speed while I can!
  10. ASPX.King

    stoli going slow

    Hi, I'm on stoli, ad-enhanced, with the text ad... It is going first fast, then slow, then fast again. Sometimes it's the fastest free host I've ever seen, five minutes later, it keeps timing out, five minutes later, it's fast again. My website is (it's under...
  11. ASPX.King

    JS slideshow help

    i would just use a pre-built script, not make your own. it's much easier that way. try
  12. ASPX.King

    Will DRM ever win?

    DRM is one of the worst inventions, right there with sex before marriage... i hope it goes completely away, never to return! a solution would be to have easier, cheaper ways to get your songs, completely off the internet.
  13. ASPX.King

    Please help a newbie

    use an image preloader, if you're using dreamweaver it comes with one. although, it worked fine for me, but my browser cached the images... just the delay on the first hover, which i personally don't mind at all. if you're on dialup, it's a different story though...
  14. ASPX.King

    Scripting a template.

    if you're using frames it won't do it, if the div container (in table-less xhtml) has the overflow set, it also won't do it. otherwise, it will do it automatically, unless you're using absolute positioning on everything. a link to your site would help, so we can know what's going on... ;)
  15. ASPX.King

    What type of speaker you have?

    i have a 3.1 mono speaker set i almost never use, and a pair of good noise canceling sony headphones i use every day. that way, everyone setting/standing/walking around me can't hear what i'm listening to, they might get confused at the japanese words... :biggrin:
  16. ASPX.King

    Your remote database stuff makes no sense

    if you want to connect to the database on your own computer, like with your php scripting program or something, that's what that remote database thing is for. many hosts, like godaddy, do not allow this, i don't know if x10 lets you or not. if you want to install a php program on your website...
  17. ASPX.King


    Also, there are two different control panels, which had me confused at first... there's the account thingy, like2program gave you a link, then there's the cpanel. the cpanel is where you set up email, databases, etc. you would either log in at or, if that doesn't...
  18. ASPX.King

    Installing pbpBB2

    i don't know if you can do it with fantastico, but you could go to and download it there, upload it through ftp, and go through the setup wizard. it will take an hour or two to upload on a faster internet connection, if you're on dialup it could take six hours. it's big...
  19. ASPX.King

    Best Free FTP

    core ftp lite and filezilla are both very good, it's just a matter of personal preference, filezilla is slightly easier to use, but core ftp puts the advanced features right there in front of you. i use them both