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  1. edyel190

    punk una pregunta, es acerca de palmbux, me preguntaba que ya tu teniendo mas de dos 2 dolares...

    punk una pregunta, es acerca de palmbux, me preguntaba que ya tu teniendo mas de dos 2 dolares alla y ya los puedes sacar, mi pregunta es si ya los intentastes sacar y ellos no han pagado aun, o todavia no has hecho el intento, la verdad me interesa porq voy a ver si mando algunos referidos...
  2. edyel190

    I get a "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" on my page and cPanel

    cool you fixed this, maybe you want to follow to x10hosting in twitter you will be up with news, such as the Cpanel updated.
  3. edyel190

    x10Hosting's Official Twitter Page, Now Live!

    Cool... and following you ^^
  4. edyel190

    are you bored?

    cool, thx
  5. edyel190

    Corrupt A Wish Season 2

    Granted, but you will be mixing english with spanish and polish and you will end speaking spanglish with a polish acent. I wish that the engineering would be easier.
  6. edyel190

    How do you count page views?

    Not everyone knows PHP, that's why maybe.
  7. edyel190

    Why Opera is not So popular being the coolest browser?

    xD I just use Opera in my celphone! FF is the best to me.
  8. edyel190

    Social: FaceBook VS MySpace VS LiveJournal VS Others

    Facebook has the flag on those sites, definitely the most famous here in my country, pretty easy to use and their security is very top. Plus everyday trying to get it better.
  9. edyel190

    Crazy designers create logos for free!!!

    I was browsing for your site and I have to say that I found very cool logos, and better that those are free xD That talk very well of you. I will make an order very soon. Keep it up.
  10. edyel190

    How do you count page views? - this one is cool because you just to have the HTML code in your code. Also you can try the Webmaster tool from google.
  11. edyel190

    Es hora de apoyar

    Tan solo una actualizacion de esa nota: La Cruz Roja en Colombia abilito desde hace dia y medio todas sus sedes en cada ciudad para llevar los alimentos no perecederos y las donaciones en dinero ya que antes solo las estaban reciviendo en Bogota. Apoyemos a esta gran causa, Muchas personas han...
  12. edyel190

    Sólo Microsoft podría inventar algo así

    Me pregunto si microsoft entendio bien la palabra "Acortador de direcciones" xD
  13. edyel190

    What do you think?

    wow, very nice! But when I opened for example paintball, at the bottom when we write the comments there are a huge white space, to me kind of ugly and out of the main layout!
  14. edyel190

    Plz comment on my website

    Database Error: Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL that's what i got.
  15. edyel190

    [Comentarios] Oferta de Referidos

    Tenias toda la razon punk, gracias por tu pronta respuesta y ya me inscribi como tu referido.
  16. edyel190

    [Comentarios] Oferta de Referidos

    oh, ok punk te lo agradezco.
  17. edyel190

    phpBB Help

    10 mins ago i just installed a phpBB forum, it's like my 6th what I installed. ok, first of all you have to create a SQLdatabase and give it the permissions, select all of them. also make sure when you upload the phpbb set these permissions: - Change the permissions on config.php to be...
  18. edyel190

    [Comentarios] Oferta de Referidos

    Punk sabes que cada vez que intento registrarme a PalmBux me lanza siempre el siguiente error: Your token session has expired, please re-enter this form again to continue. Sabes por que? Y la verdad no veo el porq haya expirado, suele suceder eso cuando uno toma mucho tiempo al llenar el...
  19. edyel190

    From PSD to HTML/CSS...

    yeah, your psd draft has a lot of things to do, I would spend like a whole day doing that. the html code is the easy part but the CSS is the difficult part. Some paypal offer won't sound bad to anyone.