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  1. edyel190

    Hola! Podrias por favor ayudarme en el siguiente thread...

    Hola! Podrias por favor ayudarme en el siguiente thread: Te lo agradezco de veras.
  2. edyel190

    Gente torpe vs Servicio técnico de informática

    jajajajaj! super chistoso eso! Algunas veces lo dejan a uno esperando como media hora, y le pasan como a 4 personas, la primera de "soporte" la segunda "Soporte tecnico" la tercera "super soporte tecnico" la cuarta "Super full soporte tecnico" y a la quinta vez te dicen: "Una persona se...
  3. edyel190

    30 GB de Internet móvil en Suecia

    xD y que dices de america latina? tenemos que pagar como 40€ mensualmente para tener una conexion de 2mb no dedicados!
  4. edyel190

    Chrome ya es el tercer puesto

    Con el tiempo seguramente sera el mejor, o estara en pelea con Mozilla Firefox por ver quien es el mejor. Un problema de Google Apps es eso de privacy information que lei en otro thread.
  5. edyel190

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B

  6. edyel190

    vuelve el kaiser

    y hasta donde tengo entendido le van a pagar 7 millones de "euros" no dolares.
  7. edyel190

    Que os regalaron en esta navidad?

    mucho amor :biggrin:
  8. edyel190

    Is it possible to have a www. in front of mydomain?

    Are you sure you have your account active?, because normaly your forum account shows your Website and yours doesn't do that.
  9. edyel190

    Tuto de photoshop para hacer web

    re-chevere tu tutorial, Dreamweaver, photoshop, Fireworks y flash la mezcla perfecta para tener una pagina exitosa.
  10. edyel190

    pelicula 2012

    Excelente pelicula, la disfrute mucho, depronto el final un tanto extenso y aveces aburrido, pero lo demas muy buena pelicula.
  11. edyel190

    I cant change permission for a file?

    did you tried chaging it with a FTP program or at FileManger?
  12. edyel190

    What is your favourite game of all time?

    I like MU online, it's cool.
  13. edyel190

    Problem trying to send Email.

    Hello Guys. Currently I'm having a weird problem, when I try to send an E-mail through WebMail I can't send it, I have tried several times but always I got the same error message: " There was an error sending your message: Failed to connect to localhost:25 [SMTP: Failed to connect socket...
  14. edyel190

    Which is better

    to me, that one.
  15. edyel190

    tell me what you think

    That blue background with the red big font is kind of psychedelic and makes hurt my eyes, you can try with a different background maybe.
  16. edyel190

    My personal website

    Kind of dark, maybe you can try giving some more colour (Not many people likes Black), the menu bar is too hide, you can trying putting an Horizontal menu bar, and with the language you can make a link which gives you the another language, putting spanish links at spanish and english at english...
  17. edyel190

    stupid colours in theme

    I like this color: #9dd525 it's a nice green, kind of bright too but nicer I guess! Also you can try putting the same color at the top bar or mix it with the logo, because the contrast is not good, it seems like you cut something.
  18. edyel190

    Is it possible to have a www. in front of mydomain?

    You also can try: