Search results

  1. G

    Areo Theme

    perhaps spell it properly, its Aero then use google
  2. G

    Hybrid SSD (New type of affordable hard disk)

    A hybrid ssd drive is just a normal hard drive with some flash added, Vista is required to take advantage of it because the flash is used by readyboost you can achieve the same performance gain by purchasing a 2gb or 4gb usb memory stick and using it with vistas ready boost system. Its not...
  3. G

    Protect a directory..?

    put a simple index.html or change the web server config to not list directory contents
  4. G

    Web Mail Client

    macs dont suck You should add gmail to your list and before everyone flames me about the gmail comment, think about it, its free to use for your own domain and its a web based e-mail client. how is that not a clear option?
  5. G

    How to create a login using a mysql database

    I think you would be better off learning some basic php and mysql before attempting to create a login page myphpwebadmin is a web based tool that is provided by x10 to allow people who dont know mysql to setup their databases but it will not create a webpage that allows you to force people to...
  6. G

    Post your first computer

    1983 c64
  7. G

    LDAP Poll

    I think its a bad idea, clearly the majority of people here have no idea what LDAP is, 2ndly it encourages people to do stupid things like publish their directory over the internet I believe enabling ldap would have no positive benefits and only result in a degradation of the services currently...
  8. G

    My site to help gamers

    sorry i think that must be one of the worst sites i have ever visited, you have taken a stock standard phpnuke theme or style or whatever they call it and made some logos in microsoft paint with horrible colours. 1/10
  9. G

    My site doesn't allow me to log in !!!!!

    This is all a guess, I dont run wordpress so here goes... getmypid() is probably not allowed on x11 hosting accounts edit the file (/home/psych/public_html/wp-includes/class-phpass.php) and remove the following text from line 51 (make sure you remove the leading fullstop (.) ...
  10. G

    Nvidia or ATI

    ati cards are currently cheaper and faster not sure why smith says nvidia is more reliable there is currently a class action lawsuit against nvidia due to their mobile chips being unreliable
  11. G

    what OS

    Perhaps you could tell the guys at that they don't exist. wine is an open source implementation of the win32api and it allows you to run windows applications natively on linux or pretty much any other near posix compatible os. e.g. osx or *bsd I'm glad that the internet gives...
  12. G

    Firefox 3.0

    FF3 is the most complete web browser available at the moment I say that because it has near 100% standards compliant HTML engine OS Independent Addon infrastructure Large range of Addon's avalibale ff2 was good but FF3 is better, there is no reason that I can see to hang back with ff2
  13. G

    What is your favorite candy / treat?

    Being Australian I always found it funny that American's call a chocolate bar or even a piece of chocolate Candy, either way, break me off a piece of that apple sauce
  14. G

    Python MySQLdb busted still or again

    how simple could you hello world possibly be if you are using MySQLdb module?
  15. G

    connecting to mysql problems..

    No Marshian suggested changing the username also which is not correct the only issue here is the hostname is wrong
  16. G

    Linux Needed! Please Read And Help Me!

    jason i think your mistaken as to what you need to do, Download the updated firmware from Belkin's site and install it on your router, it is available pre-compiled.
  17. G

    Nvu or Dreamweaver?

    notepad for the win altho as I have posted previously pico is awesome for linux so umm ssh+pico+iphone = day @ beach ?
  18. G

    Why X Ten?

    hmm I have always thought x10hosting was a strange name to be honest. Think about it, x10 is a home automation standard so to me x10hosting makes me think this site is about home automation
  19. G

    A Cool download site with the latest software!

    good site for open source software news is freshmeat, also beta software news at betanews is unique because it showcases both open source, closed source freeware and commercial software at one location
  20. G

    Anyone remember Sega CD?

    i still have a mega cd2 (for the "updated" megadrive) I have columns, mortal kombat, afterburner 3 and NBA jam