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  1. techairlines

    x10 still the best

    Thanks for the feedback and for choosing x10hosting! :)
  2. techairlines

    Cancel My Account

    Hello. I have marked your account for deletion. It will be removed in about 2 weeks, so if you change your mind before then, please post a new thread and we will restore your account. Thanks for using x10hosting!
  3. techairlines

    Internet Browser

    I use Firefox 6 Beta regularly (also have Aurora Channel version installed). I love the powerful extension system. Even though it's not the fastest browser, I like being able to customize everything and nothing else seems to come close. I usually can't notice any speed differences anyway. I...
  4. techairlines


    Your favicon seems to work fine. I see a JH with a yellow background. Favicons are typically cached in the browser for some time. Try using a different browser or clear your cache.
  5. techairlines

    Account suspension due to uncontrolled material

    Hello. You will need to regularly monitor your forum for spam and other inappropriate content. If we notice that your forum is receiving a lot of spam that's left for an extended period of time, this will be a violation of our TOS. However, since this is a forum with user submitted material...
  6. techairlines

    domain name

    To setup your own domain with x10hosting, follow these instructions: Addon Domain sets up a website separate from your main subdomain. Parked Domain has your domain name display the same content as your subdomain. Main Domain would replace...
  7. techairlines

    Please Delete My Account

    Glad to hear that you enjoyed x10hosting. To delete your free hosting account, please fill out the sections in red below to confirm that you have made any backups you may want and we will handle your request as soon as possible:
  8. techairlines

    domain name prolem

    You added it as a Parked domain, which will cause it to show your subdomain instead. If you want to replace your subdomain, change your domain from here: (remove from Parked first) If you want to keep your subdomain and have your own domain as a separate site...
  9. techairlines

    DNS records through GoDaddy (.me domain) say I should update my records through host

    Re: DNS records through GoDaddy (.me domain) say I should update my records through h According to, your MX records look correct, however you have an additional record going back to your domain with a priority of 0. You need to remove the MX record with a priority of 0 to...
  10. techairlines

    Can we upgrade and other questions

    Hello. -Yes, you can use your own domain. Please refer to these instructions: -Yes, you can upgrade to premium in the future. You can open a ticket in the premium support area and we will migrate your free account to premium. -We provide...
  11. techairlines

    how to install wordpress theme.

    Hello. Your domain is showing a blank index page, which indicates WordPress is not installed. You may have deleted it and didn't reupload it. (Reply from: Activating the theme may have caused your...
  12. techairlines

    for ekjotsandhu196 "how to install wordpress theme"

    We currently only allow users with 300 posts or more to reply to other's threads in the Free Hosting forum. Alternatively, you can start helping out at 50 posts by filling out this application: You should be able to post normally in all other forums...
  13. techairlines

    Please unsuspend my account

    I have unsuspended your account. Remember to login to the forums at least once every 31 days.
  14. techairlines

    unsuspension still pending (due to inactivity)

    I have unsuspended your account. Remember to login to the forums at least once every 31 days. Posting is never required.
  15. techairlines

    DNS records through GoDaddy (.me domain) say I should update my records through host

    Re: DNS records through GoDaddy (.me domain) say I should update my records through h MX records, like all DNS records, can take up to 48 hours to fully propagate across the internet, but it usually takes a lot less.
  16. techairlines

    DNS records through GoDaddy (.me domain) say I should update my records through host

    Re: DNS records through GoDaddy (.me domain) say I should update my records through h For email, you will need to setup MX records (Mail Exchange records). In cPanel, under the box Mail, click on the MX Entry icon. Select Remote Mail Exchanger, then enter the following for Google Apps...
  17. techairlines

    MyBB Installation Problem

    Hello. In the folder called Upload, this is the folder you are supposed to upload to your account. Move all the files in the folder at /forum/Upload directly into /forum/.
  18. techairlines

    account suspend prob.

    I have unsuspended your account. You were suspended for inactivity. Remember to login to the forums at least once every 31 days. Logins to cPanel and Account Panel don't count. Your last forum activity was May 29, which is well over a month ago. Please login to the forums or you will likely be...
  19. techairlines

    how to set theme on my website.

    Hello. Please be more specific. What do you mean by themes? Instructions vary depending on what CMS you're using, if at all. If you're just building a plain HTML website, try Simply download the zip files and upload it onto your account into the public_html...
  20. techairlines

    Keep getting emailed Account Inactivity Suspension Warnings

    Did you login to the forums at least once a month? The rule is that you must login to the forums at least once every 31 days. Logins to Account Panel and cPanel don't count. Before unsuspending yourself, login to the forums first. Otherwise, the system will suspend you again.