Search results

  1. Jake

    How did you learn PHP

    About a year to learn, at least well enough to do things by yourself. At that time's function lists and such will be very very helpful when you start trying to do things that you are not too sure how to do. Thats a really nice way to learn, lots of examples lots of reasoning. Though when...
  2. Jake

    Whats your Web Design Project?

    Video tutorials on DW/Photoshop/PHP/CSS/etc coming sometime soon... maybe some readable ones too. Will be cool.
  3. Jake

    Dreamweaver vs Notepad?

    nano or dreamweaver... there is no notepad!
  4. Jake

    [Game Programming] Highlander

    Well I guess you will have to try it later :) maybe just make a basic game for now...
  5. Jake

    so... my website

    Loads super-fast with my internet connection so not a big deal and it looks REALLY good. I'm impressed at the last few sites I have seen on x10 :) looks like you a professional site. Oh... edit: Different color rollovers would be nice... maybe not so much lime green IDK but I can't see it all...
  6. Jake

    So, how does this look?

    I actually really like the site... simplicity is almost always nicer than clutter!
  7. Jake

    My Webbie :O

    It looks nice and all just not much content yet... seems the hardest part of making a website. At least it is for me ... anyway keep it up!
  8. Jake

    phpbb passwords

    I believe the 4th post on the topic in the link the above poster will work. I had the same trouble with the passwords when I was making a website and that was what I had to do. Copy the phpbb password hashing function and first use the function on the password given to then check it against...
  9. Jake

    Holy Warrior

    It looks cool but what about depth? doesn't seem as 3d as it could be... try some stuff on it? lol not really an artist other than websites so I can't say much but I think it needs shading? But overall its cool.
  10. Jake

    How can i make SWF not downlodable.

    I have yet to see an SWF that is not downloadable... putting anything on the internet is like giving it out for free... so I don't know what to tell you. Try what the last person said... but I believe an SWF in an SWF will still be able to be downloaded.
  11. Jake

    Google Chrome Alert!

    Kinda stupid to be honest... first off why would you click the link to something dumb like that... why would you execute the file and WHY would you not just click the button that says "ask me were to place downloads" its not a very high-level threat AND IE and FF have just as many holes in their...
  12. Jake


    Geez, if any of you were CS Majors maybe you'd think differently... its pretty fricken amazing. Its a great idea... maybe not the BEST looking browser or the most customizable but look at what they are doing. They are helping shape our future browsers. Like IE and FF won't go for multi-process...
  13. Jake

    Problem with PHP mail()

    You need to make sure you send headers or your email account might think it is spam... has happened to me... but it looks fine other than that. Try something like this: <?php $to = ""; $subject = "FAQ"; $name_field = $_POST['name']; $email_field = $_POST['email']; $message =...
  14. Jake


    Welcome back :)
  15. Jake

    what do you think?

    Very nice, try putting a light glow behind the star to make it blend better instead of the black background... also the original looks a lot like a windows vista window (not exactly though) but it looks good.
  16. Jake

    Professionalism (if thats a word)

    Everyone has their own level of skill when designing a template. If you are the one making the psd, even while using a template/tutorial, it is still your artwork and design. I would say your site can look professional with a template as long as you put some unique parts in it as well.
  17. Jake

    The RPG

    Please dont register or do anything on the RPG right now since it is being updated and there are some problems... your character will most likely be deleted if you create one now.
  18. Jake

    PHP Scripts

    I may have some extra time over the next few days in-between things... so if anyone wants me to make a php script of anything then please post. I'll be reasonable with prices but I will need to know what you want first. :)
  19. Jake

    phpBB 3 Skin :) tell me what you think of my phpBB 3 skin. (phpBB 3 is in development (a.k.a. "Olympus") and is not "stable" so i would discurage using it unless you love php, and really wana read errors alot...) i kinda took the "theme" overall from the admin...
  20. Jake

    Who has a snow day!

    ME! haha, take that bryon, thats what you get for having one a month or so ago! anyways, yah, snowday, fun fun! :ughwerd: