Search results

  1. Jake

    Inactive Accounts

    Ok, so all accounts that are "inactive" and suspended before January 21st will be terminated, all accounts with no ads will be suspended and emails sent to the admins. All these extra accounts with no one using them is a waste of space, space that alot of other people would like. So if your...
  2. Jake

    phpBB Modded

    I've made this as a full installable phpbb forum with mods already put on it, most are really handy, such as the attachment mod and the subforums mod... it still looks just like normal phpbb and it has many more features though. You can download it here...
  3. Jake

    My Site!

    I want some critisism on the sites layout and how it looks (i realize its not all done and alot of the links dont work) site: ALSO in addition i am taking staff applications for forum positions and development positions, you can goto the forum at the link below...
  4. Jake

    What Game? Server-Based

    What games do you guys play that are "server-based" or have do have a dedicated server hosting them? i play CS:S (Counter-Strike Source) but i would like to see what you guys play... info is important. so please share!
  5. Jake

    [OFFER] RPG Monsters

    [OFFER] RPG Monsters/Items ok so i will give you 1pt per monster name you can think of for an multiplayer online RPG i am making, these can be any type of "monster" that means fantasy only. i would like you also to think of levels when naming them... it will be a multiplayer online RPG with...
  6. Jake

    how much?

    how much points would someone pay for a website design, or phpBB forum template design? i would like to know, because i may want to make some, at least for something to do... a example of one i am working on now is its almost done, and i started it 2 days ago
  7. Jake


    what ever happened to the x10 IRC server, is it still up?
  8. Jake

    My Domain

    what is thiS??? it parked my domain instead of adding it, cpanel is confusing me... heres what it said: Addon Domain Additions could not be modified because it does not resolve to a valid ip address. Please ask the system admin to check their resolv.conf and their dns trust relationship...