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  1. swirly

    cron jobs....

    ok i need to set a cron job to do this $turnsper = 5; // X turns $perminutes = 15; // per Y minutes $turnoffset = 0; // in case we don't run exactly 0 minutes after the hour // Note: perminutes must divide evenly into 60 to increase turns by 5 every...
  2. swirly


    all the x10 sites seem to be loading really it a over load on the server or something?
  3. swirly

    database tabel entry job needed done

    ok well i found this thing that i want to put on my website...but it requires so much work withe mysql and i just dont feel like doing it all....i have done some, but right now i just relized how much there is left and i dont even know if i have done it all right.... sooo what i need to do is...
  4. swirly


    lol this is the straight up most awesome website ever! yeah forgot to post TURN ON YOUR SOUND!!
  5. swirly

    a simple gfx anyone like that? i was following a tutorial and then like i started messin around..
  6. swirly

    php help

    well that was the wrong code i figured out...but now i got the right one...but its not working....its for people to add names and passwords etc..but its not submitting, and i copied it straight out of the book. did i just spell something. heres the code... <html> <head> <title>Add...
  7. swirly

    unexpected error

    ok for my site im trying to make a script for people to register and then they can therefore log into my site... but im getting theis error...could you guys take a look at it? or maybe teel me somewhere i can get a script for this kinda stuff cause im new at php and i need to make something for...
  8. swirly


    ok so i was wondering...i know that there are a few things that i need to fix but i was wondering what do u guys think needs to be diff i have to edit someof the code etc... just post what you think needs to be fixed or changed. edit: sorry i forgot my site link-
  9. swirly

    stupid companies

    OK so I was looking around at some reseller stuff on the internet seeing how to sign up and what not. But when I came upon searching for a domain I entered my subdomain, ZeroG, and lo-and-behold it was taken. So now when I saw randomize's post for a new name and thought I should see what you...
  10. swirly

    be a webhost

    i know its not very good to host off your computer so im not gonna do that. but what i was wondering was how people like corey do it. like "rent" servers out from people. but if i just rent a server from the planet (if i ever got enough money) then am i all set? i mean do i have to go out and...
  11. swirly

    templates and cutenews

    i think that i can use my own template i already have in cute news..but i cant figure it out... <?PHP $template = "my_test_template"; include("path/to/show_news.php"); ?> it gives me that how do i do it exactly?do i just change the code to fit the paths od my template etc?
  12. swirly


    ok ive made changes to my ipb forum (i had this prob last time i tried to use it) and they refuse to show up....none of my forums are coming up! what is wrong?
  13. swirly

    oh yeah!i passed!

    i passed drivers ed guys! now beware im on the road! lol i get my permit soon!
  14. swirly

    just look inside please?

    ok i need ideas for a prog i am making. its kinda like cmd prompt but not that integrated and all those functions.....kinda a pointless prog i know...but its neat...let me know if u got any ideas for wat commands i can have... right now i have find files and open ur browser any more?
  15. swirly

    cant decide

    ok ive got 2 templates once i have now and one im thinking about switching to so im getting it set up just in case... but this: or
  16. swirly

    what do you want in a website?

    I need some stuff for my website so i was wondering... what do u look for in a site? music playing? free stuff? games?lastest news on your fav thing? what do u go for? lemme know!
  17. swirly

    Affiliates and advertising

    I will be affiliates or u can pay me to put ur button on my site! just 15 points a month!
  18. swirly

    My site dosn't show up right...

    I have edited my site last night and it showed up fine. But now I go to check it and then all my changes aren't showing up! But when I go to check the code in the cpanel edit thing (not the html editor link in cpanel just the editor) all my changes to the code are there! Can anyone tell me what...
  19. swirly

    gfx work needed

    ok well i cant get photoshop installed on my comp and im lazy but i need some gfx work done. any one up for it?its really simple. i got a psd and all it is the text to be changed a bit but ill pay...
  20. swirly

    my site only in ie?

    Ok so I personally use Firefox, but apparently, my site only appears to be working in IE. Could some of you guys test it out in w/e browser you use and tell me whether it works or not? Try the help command and if that dosnt work try these please: posts, calendar, guestbook, sir, google, motd...