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  1. swirly

    monster battle thing

    Sorry shouldve included in my other post, but how exactly do we get started in the monster battle thing? I looked all over the drop menu and everything but i cant find it.... can some one tell me please?
  2. swirly

    stuff in the shop?*no rush, staff!*

    Well I was just wondering if there was gonna be anymore stuff added to the shop. Like what was in there last time. Like no ads, domain etc... thanks, keep up the awesome work!
  3. swirly

    rss feeds

    ok so would i use rss feeds to have news constantly put on my site without me updating all the time? because i see people with the latest news on their sites so i was just wondering...
  4. swirly

    redirecting index's

    ok i have a cms i want the index of that to be my main index can i like redirect it into the folder that it is in?
  5. swirly

    calendar func

    i need a calendar function...i need it in javascript...php might work...i looked for it on but didnt see it...lemme know if y'all got anything
  6. swirly

    would i be allowed...

    would i be allowed to host pictures for my firends on if i had an upload script, which i know is not allowed but if i jus gave my friends the link?...or can i even have a file host like what is being started here? jw
  7. swirly

    i see the servers are down(i checked thread) i always check this now b4 bothering you guys now lol...but any idea when they will be back up, the http and thecpanel servers? or is this outta your control?
  8. swirly


    i finally finished the game decsriptions for my site! now all i have is make them links, and fix my index then you can all come and rape my bandwidth! yay!lol but if yall have any games that you made or found send the to me or post them! thanks!
  9. swirly

    local host stuff...

    ok so i love x10hosting and all but... Im thinking about hosting my own site. but ive noticed that to view my site i have to go to local host... is that just me? how exactly will others access my site? i think i remember it being through like my ip/computer name...? if it makes a diff, im going...
  10. swirly


    I've started a new site and im pumping it full of games! Right now I'm in the process of making a list as i upload the and unpack them... Soon I will have them up an running. To see what games I have, go to, and if you veiw the source im sure you can find out...
  11. swirly

    is it me?

    i think its just my computer....i cant upload stuff but when i go to school i can.....any one know anything?
  12. swirly

    flash games

    i need some flash games for my if you have some send them to me or post a link to some onm the web...
  13. swirly

    [REQ]Template![REQ]30-50 points!

    im starting a gaming site so i need a template. here's what i want: Black's whites silvers i want kind of like but i dont want the top bar with catagories i want like the background to be black with a white border around the main block and a white glow kinda behind it, and at...
  14. swirly

    Don't Use Php Fusion!

    I have had my site hacked TWICE while using it! Desertwar has found security holes and many other things when he went through the code! My site was just hacked a little whil ago, I am going to delete my enitre site and find another secure cms and begin to write my own code for a a...
  15. swirly


    if i were to buy a tem,plate would i have to code it all or would it be coded and all that...and like would it be one huge picture or a bunch of small pics?
  16. swirly

    wiki and stuff

    i was tryin to make a wiki part on my site and when i tryed to get into the admin part it wouldnt give me access...this is the wiki on fantastico. it said my password and all that was invalid
  17. swirly

    make random stuff?

    on my site i want to have a page where random stuff pops up so like sentences and stuff...can u do this in html cause i dont knwo php but if it cant be done in html but only in php thats fine.
  18. swirly

    my account has been suspended(no rush!)

    yes i have recieved a notcie that my account has been suspended dude to inactivity...i have not been inactive i know that i logged in over te weekend at least or on monday least...but i tried to visit the reactivate link and it said you must use the link given to you so idk.... but i would like...
  19. swirly on wow

    how do u edit it so u can play on x10's server?
  20. swirly

    i never introduced myself (In july)

    im andrew aka swirly i like to go own the boat lift weights and program lol thatbout it...o wait! im in high school in the 9th grade. i live in North carolina right on the caost yea baby lol later!