Search results

  1. krofunk

    Word Association

    sad :(
  2. krofunk

    Vending Machine (Game)

    you get "the feeling you are being watched" I insert my door key
  3. krofunk

    The Ctrl+V game

  4. krofunk

    Word Association

  5. krofunk

    Vending Machine (Game)

    you get a random link about "the herb"
  6. krofunk

    game: kill the above user

    btw my real name is john connor :P I blow you up, melt you, crush you, run you over multiple times until the film writers decide to kill me off without sending you back in time to save my life just so i can kill you again o__O thats confusing
  7. krofunk

    Corrupt a Wish: Season 4

    granted but somehow everything has been translated into ancient hylian I wish my internet was faster
  8. krofunk

    Name That Avatar!

    (Naruto o__O bleh) Funky-Tux Names Used: driving dog rover bob the train Droopy Linux JR Civilized dog Googley Eyes Tux Lazy eye Pengu Mr. DogOnWheel Mr.WTF Ichigo Mr.Out Dated Naruto Fan Funky-Tux
  9. krofunk

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    banned for....erm...something
  10. krofunk

    Word Association

  11. krofunk

    Attendance Sheet Re-Made (Keep This One Active)

    o__O a double post? mattblog DeadBattery stardom techairlines mattblog lukoot icywind335 xav0989 techairlines mattblog lukoot mattblog lukoot conzone DeadBattery Mattblog DeadBattery MattBlog darzamora techairlines Mattblog DeadBattery lukoot Mattblog darzamora Mattblog lukoot DeadBattery...
  12. krofunk

    The Ctrl+V game

    Supermassive Black Hole
  13. krofunk

    Is iPod touch 4 worth it?

    I would say this is the first iPod to truly be an iPhone - the phone..if you don't already have an iPhone I would say go for it.
  14. krofunk

    Like my site?

    "This site or its theme is in no way associated with apple inc" personal opinion I would say the theme is practically a clone, I've got no problem with it <.< but you shouldn't try and deny it
  15. krofunk

    Word Association

    me o.O
  16. krofunk

    The Ctrl+V game

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
  17. krofunk

    Virus Alerts

    windows emulation on linux can be heavily affected by your hardware, most windows apps work right away with wine on my linux box
  18. krofunk

    My Blog

    :) not picky at all, I actually had not thought of that being a problem. I will try and sort this when I make the blog internet explorer happy. and thanks for the colour suggestion for the links
  19. krofunk

    My Blog

    Thanks :) exactly the kind of criticism I was looking for (constructive) I have added | between navigation links. Could you suggest a colour for the links, the reason they are all grey is because I could not think of a better colour 8) ..I will sort out the spacing when I re-do the css for...
  20. krofunk

    My Blog

    its still a work in progress :tongue: but is there any "must have" features for a blog? on the other hand is there any features I have on there that is a blogging sin? I am aware that my css is incompatible with internet explorer but that is something I will look at later. I made this using...