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  1. quantum1

    Passing JS variables from one function to another

    At the risk of being slapped I will hazard a reply. :O Question: You want to set the variable "time" in function1 and have the value of that variable available in function2?
  2. quantum1

    Html Js page loader

    I am pretty sure that gmail uses js and ajax, but they are still most likely showing you the progress they are making when loading your data (gmail info), not the progress of the page itself. Plus, even if you get all the information from the server there is still the rendering time, which...
  3. quantum1

    Unix read command (bash)

    Can you post the portion of script where you use the above command? Thanks.
  4. quantum1

    JS files...

    If you use the Mozilla Firefox browser you can install the Firebug and YSlow plugins and they will tell you more statistics than you want to know, as well as allow access to an insane level of browser debugging. In particular, YSlow will tell you load times and so forth so you can compare the...
  5. quantum1

    C++ and cgi

    well...if the compiled C++ code has generated an executable...then it will be executed on the server like any other program...a perl script would be executed by the perl interpreter as opposed to being run directly like an executable
  6. quantum1

    Problem with file copy script

    can you verify that your autoCompleteEntries_temp.js temp file has all the entries in it before it is copied to the final file?
  7. quantum1

    Help simplifying a php script to lower server resources

    Well....I don't think you can combine the above into one query since you are using update statements on different tables. The server load issue is unclear since you are looping using a variable called $ally and then executing sql based on $ally. Since the value(s) of $ally are not shown above...
  8. quantum1

    Problem with file copy script

    Does your mysql database on your x10hosting site have the same data as your test server?
  9. quantum1

    CSS Warning

    I ran your css source above through my TopStyle checker and it said that CSS level 1 does not support cursor and position. If you are using CSS level 1 that might be the problem.
  10. quantum1

    JavaScript Frames

    If you are or want to use Firefox you can download the Firebug add-on and it will allow you to poke around the HTML DOM environment and mess with Javascript entities and so forth. That might help you figure out this and other stuff.
  11. quantum1

    JavaScript Frames

    Are you trying to change the title depending on what frame the cursor is in? That is, if the cursor is in frame a you want the title of the browser window to be the title of frame a?
  12. quantum1

    Css drop down menu The link above is from the dynamicdrive page mentioned by gptsven. I created the html and downloaded the javascript and it works great!
  13. quantum1

    session error

    as Livewire said, if you have a space or any other characters before the <?php tag then those characters go out to the browser; if you later have session_start() in your php you will get the error you are seeing
  14. quantum1

    Css drop down menu

    gptsven, thank you for the dynamic drive link! it rocks! :D
  15. quantum1

    Problem w/ my container

    Your <div id="container"> does not have a close tag.
  16. quantum1

    uploading a file [PHP / HTML]

    I may have missed it somewhere above, but can you post the source code in your upload_file.php source file?
  17. quantum1

    Javascript Help

    Try changing your javascript checkGender to be as below: //GENDER VALIDATION ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function checkGender(elem, helperMsg){ //alert(elem.value) if(elem.value != "male" && elem.value != "female"){ alert(helperMsg)...
  18. quantum1

    Javascript Help

    This link shows radio buttons in action: Let me know if that link doesn't work for you or if you need more info.
  19. quantum1

    Shout Box

    Sorry! I responded without reading your post about it not working. You can use PHP anywhere in your HTML. Instead of creating a *.HTM or *.HTML file extension create a *.PHP file extension and then you can put plain HTML or a mixture of HTML and PHP or just straight PHP in that file. It's...
  20. quantum1

    Shout Box

    No problem. The double quotes that are actually part of you HTML are escaped with a backslash to indicate that we actually want to output a double quote character. If you use single quotes in your HTML you would not have to escape them. However, variable handling in PHP is different inside...