Search results

  1. ah-blabla

    48 core processor

    Its more about making it easy to make multi-threaded programs, than convincing programmers. It isn't easy to write multi-threaded programs... (Which is why there's also so much research going on in that topic, but even that isn't going that fast...). Then again, the main use for such processors...
  2. ah-blabla

    PHP ip logger

    The output is wrong, i.e. no IP address... (I had to test it myself to check -- it is helpful to say exactly WHAT isn't working when you are requesting help -- it saves a lot of time...) As I said I just tested it myself: the problem is you can't get an IP address using: $REMOTE_ADDRinstead...
  3. ah-blabla

    SSL Support

    It only works when you use your server's address, e.g. The problem is on starka at least it doesn't work -- other servers do. It also isn't possible to use SSL for your own domain, only for the domain.
  4. ah-blabla

    Why Opera is not So popular being the coolest browser?

    I don't think you understand what NoScript does: it provides a button on the browser status bar, allowing you to quickly disable/enable JavaScript on a page without fighting dialog boxes (as well as allowing selective JavaScript, i.e. disabling adsense and analytics scripts, but allowing the...
  5. ah-blabla

    Indo-American Alliance!

    Two large countries joining together won't make much of a difference. Yes, they may be powerful, but you don't get peace by forcing it on people, and definitely not by war -- this "alliance" seems to suggest armed intervention to bring peace, or at least weapon trading (and military training)...
  6. ah-blabla

    FTP help??

    Check the permissions, and make sure you have write access to the folders, and all contents. Software like Drupal sometimes sets folders up such that you don't have permissions to write on them, but since you are the owner you can still change the permissions, and then delete the folder.
  7. ah-blabla

    What's your favourite Operating System?

    It (Window$) is leading, but surprisingly by not that much, despite M$ having such a monopoly which they also abuse. I found something rather interesting here (an "OS sucks-roles-o-meter) though... Seeing as GNU/Linux is still a "bother" to install (i.e. requires effort since it isn't the...
  8. ah-blabla

    Indo-American Alliance!

    World Peace is possible -- so long as there's no humans.
  9. ah-blabla

    can't back up database

    What server are you on? I've noticed starka hanging a few times today (right now for example), and it was also going down occasionally while I was working on my site., which could be related. Just keep trying, or alternatively take a break and try again tomorrow. As an aside, gzip compression...
  10. ah-blabla

    Mininova Only to Allow "Legal" Torrents

    A legal torrent is one where all content it contains is being copied with the copyright owner's permission / for which there is no copyright (good examples are GNU/Linux distributions which are commonly distributed by torrent, where the software is under various free software licenses giving...
  11. ah-blabla

    Mininova Only to Allow "Legal" Torrents

    I would reccomend this article by Courtney Love, where things are turned around a little, for all those who wish to condemn "pirates". (And BTW, I also reccommend you don't use the word piracy in this respect, since it has connotations of violence and force, which quite clearly isn't the case...
  12. ah-blabla

    Adsense Alternatives for Under Age?

    I use bidvertiser... (Referral program link btw) I don't know how good they actually are, since I haven't actually got a significant visitor numbers (yet), but they don't have the 18+ requirement, so it might fit your bill.
  13. ah-blabla

    CMS with DIY templates

    Most CMSs allow you just to add their own markup as required to an html page to make a theme. I know Joomla does this, and it is one of the easier to use CMSs. A more simple cms is SkyBlueCanvas, which however lacks many of the features Joomla has. Note however that making a template for any cms...
  14. ah-blabla

    Why Opera is not So popular being the coolest browser?

    If you want speed, then go with lynx... (But FF 3.5 still feels fast on my 756Mb system, even though I'm also running Eclipse which is a real memory hog.) @gsonline: I know that bug rather well actually: you don't need to type your password in that many times, just close all the password boxes...
  15. ah-blabla

    problem with website code

    The .. (two dots) means up folder, so basically: Warning: file(../adb_feeds/177.dat) [function.file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/ata/public_html/index.php on line 106 means that /home/ata/adb_feeds/177.dat can't be opened. That is where it is looking for the...
  16. ah-blabla

    what is?

    As vigge_sWe said, a script being used illegally. I think the term comes from the fact that their 'control' mechanisms (i.e. to ensure you have a licenced copy) have been disabled, or "nulled". I never really understood the term though either.
  17. ah-blabla

    Not able to sent mail through SMTP

    Have you followed the instructions on cpanel? They should allow you to set up your mail client to use SMTP. For me SMTP is working fine.
  18. ah-blabla

    Recieve GET POST data, java?

    You can't retrieve it, since the java application isn't running as a server / on the server, and GET and POST are parts of a http request. (It seems you are assuming that the java application is running on the server: if it is embedded, i.e. as an applet, then it runs on the client's computer...
  19. ah-blabla

    Mininova Only to Allow "Legal" Torrents Basically a whole load of reforms to do with Copyright and Patents and other stuff. (Or "Intellectual 'Property'" as some less knowledgeable people call it.) One slight fault is their wanting to set copyright expiration very short for all works, which is...
  20. ah-blabla

    Mininova Only to Allow "Legal" Torrents

    It's ineffective -- whatever they do -- unless the internet is shut down. Part of the problem is that the copyright laws aren't right though / go completely against human nature though... At least in Sweden we have the Pirate Party trying to set things right. Edit:// Just realised this post...