Search results

  1. jjordan69

    My account is suspended today?

    Look at your sig "Auto Blogger Content and Traffic, Set and Forget FOREVER!!"
  2. jjordan69

    Registration pending?

    can be less than a hour to more than a week Account registration and creation is a automated process - your application is added to the bottom of a queue (file) and when the system gets down to yours it will be set up - no one can touch the queue - during updates or maintenance of the servers...
  3. jjordan69

    Delete my Closed Threads and Previous Posts?

    As said - what you receive with a Google search - is from Google's database - not from x10's
  4. jjordan69

    Domain DNS pointing to wrong IP

    You can check the 'A' record and DNS propagation here<br> <> You can change the DNS 'A' record yourself using the advanced zone editor in cPanel<br> Replace the A record IP [ ] with IP [ ] or wait for staff to do it
  5. jjordan69

    Cannot get on CPanel or Site

    I see your site on the Internet at about 17:40 UTC 2012-10-11
  6. jjordan69

    Site not loading

    At about 17:35 UTC 2012-10-11 - all 3 free-hosting servers are up on the Internet
  7. jjordan69

    Is there a problem with the server?

    Server users..........moved to Server Boru IP: ==> Level IP: Chopin IP: ==> Vox IP: Lotus IP: ==> Vox IP: Starka IP: ==> Absolut IP: Stoli IP: ==> Absolut...
  8. jjordan69

    I need help getting my email set up on Windows Live Mail

    In cPanel click on [ Email Accounts ] NOT [ Webmail ] then at the account you want .. under [ Actions ] select [ More ] then click on [ Configure Email Client ]
  9. jjordan69

    Still no joy with directory protection with passwords

    Be sure Prems (permissions) for folder [ .htpasswds ] are 0755 and NOT 0750 You can see (and change) Prems in cPanel's [ File Manager ] Be sure to check [ Show Hidden Files... ] before you start [ File Manager ] When in [ File Manager ] click on [ /home/... ] top left side You will...
  10. jjordan69

    No access to Cpanel

    You can use use your account's Email address to log-in to cPanel and you use the same same password as used to log-in to the AP
  11. jjordan69

    Data request post suspension and deletion of account

    that is NOT a x10hosting site
  12. jjordan69

    Supposed trojan from page?

    At the risk of having Descalzo in my face again for making post in here Use this link to Google's free site and enter your sites (Web page) URL to have it scanned by 30 virus scanners'
  13. jjordan69

    Cron jobs that ran on old server do not run on new server

    will it ran for about a day server Absolut Cron is down again - also will NOT load in cPanel
  14. jjordan69

    Cron jobs that ran on old server do not run on new server

    bump and a note I paid to upgrade my free-hosting to 'Prime' the main reason was to have Cron jobs that could - when needed - run with less than five (5) minutes between starts Cron and other items that were at that time no longer function on my 'new' server as they did on the 'old' server
  15. jjordan69

    Cron jobs that ran on old server do not run on new server

    Cron jobs have never worked for me on the 'new' server I do not know if they ever will
  16. jjordan69

    Cron jobs that ran on old server do not run on new server

    I now know from users that Cron jobs will NOT run on any of the 3 new servers - Absolut - Level - Vox a user set the same 'time/command' Cron job - with only the cPanel name (user name) changed - on x10's premium server s1 - it is running with output (log file) and no errors
  17. jjordan69

    Cron jobs that ran on old server do not run on new server

    Cron jobs that ran on 'old' server Stoli do not run on 'new' server Absolut for auto-database-backup from IRC --> [09/07 20:22:42] <descalzo> well, Corey claimed they were supposed to be running what do I need to change - to get them to work ?
  18. jjordan69

    Default Website Page

    on this page note the delay for 'new' accounts or domains
  19. jjordan69

    Cron Jobs Not Running

    Cron (jobs) is not set-up on the 3 new free-hosting servers yet it is on the things to-do list
  20. jjordan69

    Cron Jobs

    Cron jobs are not set up yet on the 3 new free-hosting servers it is on the things to-do list for me that is no auto-data-backup which is no site for me - until Cron works