Search results

  1. jjordan69

    MySQL offline.

    Back up as of --> PHP server date and time is ==> Sun Oct 21,2012 16:50:43 EDT America/New_York PHP script on x10hosting's server 'Level' - connected to database - and received info from a table
  2. jjordan69

    2 users 50% CPU?

    That was the CPU load when cPanel asked for it - most - if not all - of that load is by cPanel - it is not in real time Click on { Home ] top left corner and you will see it go to zero The limit for users is by what they are doing at the same time - if you site hit that limit your site would...
  3. jjordan69

    Enable python

    You need to put your scripts into folder [ public_html/cgi-bin ] OR in file [ .htaccess ] add this line [ AddHandler cgi-script .pl ] in folder [ public_html ] be sure and set permission for your script file to [ 0750 ] have the very first line of your script with the hashbang of [...
  4. jjordan69

    This can be a solution for ban countries policy

    see as for why -->
  5. jjordan69

    x10 Sites not working

    at [ ] in my Chrome browser I see "Combat Sneak Peek! As all of you know, the combat beta will be released in roughly 9 hours. So last night, Mod Kevin and I decided to make an video of us fighting each. . ." and other stuff
  6. jjordan69

    site blocked?

    While they both have the same name then are not the same part of AT&T for IP [ - see note the top line "IP Location: United States Marine City AT&T Internet Services" for IP [ ] - see...
  7. jjordan69

    site blocked?

    a good test would be a 'traceroute' using your domain - from your computer - NOT a on-line traceroute the last hop should be the IP of your server if it is not look-up the IP and see who owns it - which will tell you who is blocking your site
  8. jjordan69

    Need Absolut port number

    YOU DID NOT ASK FOR A 4 NUMBER PORT what you asked for "I need the port number for Abolut. " which for HTML is port #80
  9. jjordan69

    Please move me from Absolut to another one..

    here is a scan by Google's 32 scanners of [ ] it shows "Dr.Web" throwing a alert - 1 out of 32
  10. jjordan69

    SSL Certificate

    In short - No x10hosting's free-hosting accounts have no SSL
  11. jjordan69

    403 forbidden

    for "Forbidden error 403" see --> for "defaultwebpage.cgi page" see -->
  12. jjordan69

    Please move me from Absolut to another one..

    on which domain is this "yellow warning" and "virus (trojan)" at on server Absolut ?? here is a link to show it is at your end TOS says you can have only one free-hosting account
  13. jjordan69

    Please move me from Absolut to another one..

    x10hosting is not going to move you you site is up on the Internet The issue is at your end all the free-hosting servers use the same 'wire' to 'talk' to the Internet for all accounts free-hosting accounts do not have SSL -->
  14. jjordan69

    NO Site... where is it???

    How do you have your own connection to server ' Absolut' as you said - "So please check with my connection at Absolut" your ISP does not have you block - but you can see your site with a 'proxy' ?
  15. jjordan69

    NO Site... where is it???

    at domain [ ] on the Internet I see "The All New" and other stuff - you site is up on the Internet
  16. jjordan69

    Is there a problem with the server?

    at domain [ ] on the Internet I see "Update: Powers" and other stuff
  17. jjordan69

    Is there a problem with the server?

    At domain [ ] on the Internet I see "Don't know where to eat? Answer the 7 questions below:"
  18. jjordan69

    Is there a problem with the server?

    at domain [ ] I see "This Account Has Been Suspended"
  19. jjordan69

    my webpage is not loading

    I see no DNS record for domain [ ] at [ ] I see your site -- "Welcome to my art webpage. I have been painting for ..." and other pages load
  20. jjordan69

    My account is suspended today?

    You "replay" to Email with a Email not a forum post - my post was about what I see as one reason for your account being suspended - you asked why 'AutoBlog' scripts are outside of TOS your are advertising to users here - for something that is not "legal" on x10hosting's free-hosting accounts...