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  1. MasterMax1313

    html tags - help anyone?

    i'd personally suggest not using MS Word. Notepad++ is a great, free, text editor with keyword recognition. MS Word is probably being "smart" and interpreting the tags, if I'm understanding your problem. It has a tendency to try and format based on the info that you're providing. If you're...
  2. MasterMax1313

    I need get the server time

    granted, but it is possible that they will fall out of sync, though it shouldn't be by much. one thing to keep in mind when dealing with timers is that even though timer functions say that the time is in milliseconds, it is only an approximation that the computer uses and the computer calls the...
  3. MasterMax1313

    [MySQL]Connecting to Localhost instead of my IP

    if you're trying to connect to your IP, then you need to change $host['naam'] = 'localhost'; to $host['naam'] = '(YOUR IP HERE)'; so i would think anyway
  4. MasterMax1313

    Please review my site and get credits

    using ff, i see a SMF forum that looks pretty good.
  5. MasterMax1313

    I need get the server time

    if you need a client's page to refresh or load a different page at a specific time you could make some javascript to check the hour until you're close to the hour then increase the frequency of the timer so that it catches the second that you need it, at which point you could use AJAX to ask the...
  6. MasterMax1313

    Check Screen Resolution With PHP

    I'm not sure that will actually work, since the php is executed server side, and the javascript is executed client side. so I would think that you would need to use javascript client side to maybe use AJAX to post back to the webserver the screen size, and maybe save it in a session variable so...
  7. MasterMax1313

    PHP-MY SQL question

    if you're including the file, then the variable created in the first file will be available in the second file. for example if you have a header file which is included in a main page file, and have a variable created in main page $page_name, then in header, so long as it was created before...
  8. MasterMax1313

    Help Using Java

    as far as i know jsp is not a supported scripting language here at x10, unfortunately. though i may be wrong.
  9. MasterMax1313

    Cookies help

    on your intro page <? if(!empty($_COOKIE['visit'])) header('location:somesite.php'); $cookie_result = setcookie("visit", true, time() + 3600); if(!$cookie_result) $message = "Please enable cookies within your browser"; else header('location:index.php'); ?> the timeout...
  10. MasterMax1313

    How do you make your very own search bar and how do you utilize it on your page?

    the simplest way i could think of would be to use php's webscraping abilities to index your pages, then when a user searches for something, query against the index of pages to see if it's located anywhere, then return the results where it is located. This would be somewhat complicated, but...
  11. MasterMax1313

    problems with alignment :/

    oh, i forgot to mention that you should probably have a container div around the divs you want next to each other.
  12. MasterMax1313

    A little help with mySQL and SQL ORDER BY with dates

    (sigh) you're right bonzo. syntax error on my part when I was looking at the output. it is sorting by Mod_Date just fine. I on the other had was looking at Create_Date. Thanks for the slap to the cerebrum.
  13. MasterMax1313

    A little help with mySQL and SQL ORDER BY with dates

    I've got an SQL statement SELECT * FROM MINUTES ORDER BY Mod_Date DESC LIMIT 0, 10; where Mod_Date is a date data type. as you can probably see what I want to do is sort the output in descending order by date. this however is apparently not the way to do so. so can anyone lend a hand with...
  14. MasterMax1313

    problems with alignment :/

    adjust the size of the divs appropriately and add float:left; to the style
  15. MasterMax1313

    IE vs Fire Fox?

    firefox is far more standards compliant, though opera is probably the best as far as that goes. firefox's plugs are amazing. though ff2 takes a lot of memory, it is said that ff3 is supposed to fix a lot of that. btw, opera has awesome widgets as well
  16. MasterMax1313

    Float CSS

    it looks to me like you need to place "Welcome" before the login <h1>Welcome</h1><span class="right"> Today is <script language="JavaScript" src=""> </script> | Guest [<a href=''>Login</a>]-[<a...
  17. MasterMax1313

    magic_quotes() and PHP form input...

    you could try just using stripslashes on the variable to unescape the various characters that have been escaped after using mysql_real_escape_string(), that is if you haven't already done this.
  18. MasterMax1313

    Some CSS help please (a tad maddening)

    I have this school website that I'm working on porting over from static html to php, from one server to another, and from using gobs and gobs of tables, to using divs. I had most of it working, except that I was using CSS bottom, absolute positioning to place a couple of footers on the page...
  19. MasterMax1313

    a little css help, please

    I'm trying to make a site with what is in essence, a footer, in the main (center) div. So basically a div w/in a div. I've done this before and it works fine (in progress). However, in this new site, if I use width = 100%, it takes the width of the page, rather than the parent container. So I...
  20. MasterMax1313

    Font Combobox

    Chances are, there is no easy way to do this, though I figured I'd post here and see if anyone has a novel approach. What I'd like to do is allow a user to choose a font for their page, through the use of a combobox, javascript, and possibly PHP. My question, is there some way to popluate the...