Search results

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    $tables = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '\_%'"); while ($table = mysql_fetch_array($tables)) { $table = current($table); mysql_query("DROP TABLE $table")or die(mysql_error()); } That should do it for clearing the database. Just realize, that this script will truly clear your whole...
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    php, cookies, and IE7

    I made a script that passes info between pages via cookies. To get the info, the script will echo the cookie. On firefox, everything works fine, but on IE7, the echoed cookie will not show up. Why:dunno:
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    yes. You would start with a script saying DELETE FROM db all tables Then, you would set up a cron job that would run the script every 20 min.
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    Video Games Cause Violence?

    Video games probably don't increase violence too much, although as graphics get more intense I can see people getting desensitized, making them more violence prone.
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    Best Racing Games

    My personal favorite is jack X or GT3. I particularly love jack X because of all of the buttons you need to concentrate on at once, and the high speeds and long tracks.
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    Turn the PC off or leave it on?

    I leave mine off, to save power. Ecosystem and all that. I only use mine once a day or so, and it takes <2 minutes to turn on and log in and get firefox running.
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    Creating a website

    Making an rpg would take quite some time... Here is a basic tutorial to php: If you have any questions, post back here. At tizag, you will learn fairly basic stuff, but it was enough to get me started, and from there I started making stuff like the text game at...
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    [php] Strings

    lol how could I forget? thank you.
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    [php] Strings

    How can I add text to a string of text? Example: $asdf = 'asdf'; if($x == $y){ $asdf = $asdf + 'arg!'; } The result I want is for $asdf to = 'asdfarg!', however, when I use the '+' operator, it just seems to reset the variable. Is there a way I can append a variable?
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    Credits for a good review

    Okay, thank you for all of that. Most of you got reputation, a few of you will get additional credits. The game is supposed to be war-like, so the background is purposefully black. Those of you who said 'change the template' were not specific enough. Swirly, I'm sorry about the 800x600...
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    A new shopping portal

    uh... who says that Godaddy cannot post here? The site looks pro :p The only thing I'd worry about is: 1. The fact that it is the 'top' website (which it isn't) and 2. The limited item selection.
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    Credits for a good review

    This is my first video game project. Please give me ways to improve it. I will accept comments on the visuals, gameplay, or anything else relating to that page. Reputation will be awarded to those who give out helpful suggestions. (worth 25 pts) If you are extremely helpful, I will give you...
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    Want 500 Credits?

    I found some additional problems with file VIP. On the download history, the date is not separated out and is hard to decipher. The other problem is if you upload more than 3 files at one time, it does not all fit onto the screen in the middle. Because there is no scroll bar, you cannot...
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    A Video Game Site.

    This is my first video game project. Please give me ways to improve it. Reputation will be awarded to those who give out helpful suggestions. (worth 25 pts) If you are extremely helpful, I will give you additional points on top of the reputation. (10-50) edit: I forgot to add the link. Sorry...
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    [php] variables

    thank you. Reputation to both of you.
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    [php] variables

    I want to have a variable with a name that consists of a variable. My first varible is $war_type. My second variable is $[$war_type]_cost. How could I make it so that the engine recognizes $$war_type_cost, but at the same time, recognizes that $war_type is separate from $_cost? Sorry if...
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    Want 500 Credits?

    This is a review for FileVIP: Problems: On the register page (where you hand out your name, password, ect), it is hard to tell which buttons go to which After you register, you get a blank page. It should say something like: "thank you for registering, click here to get started" I did not...
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    How much do you earn from Google Adsense?

    I am making ~$3 a month with adsense right now. I too am looking into other advertising companies. I like the pubmatic thing that x10hosting is using, it looks like it really might work. I'd sign up for every ad company you can get onto, and then just use pubmatic.
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    Newb question: Google ads vs. local ads

    Adsense is okay, but I think that you could make a lot more money off of the local bars. Thing is, getting the local bars to pay will be pretty tough. First, you will need enough traffic to make it worth the bars time (say... 1000-5000 hits a day from people who have access to the bars)...
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    [php] Function Efficiency

    What would be more efficient: One script that is ~300 lines long, but if-else statments means that the server would only have to run ~100 of them Or One script that is ~50 lines long, and then re-directs the browser to another script that is ~100 lines long, and the server would have to...