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  1. garrensilverwing

    Ghost Players

    the other two are actually a problem with the game mechanics that we cant really fix: if there is at least 1 watcher, and that watcher leaves the game or is killed it counts as a loss for them and then the two players agree they can end the game with a victory each... as far as the games with...
  2. garrensilverwing

    wayward div$paCe&player2=S9isDragon when you look at this page in firefox or safari it looks perfectly fine, but if you look at it in IE7 or 8 (i havent checked 6 cause mine is broken for some reason) the Games div floats way off to the right. I...
  3. garrensilverwing

    Ladder System Logical Errors

    thanks misson, unfortunately i'm going out of town for like a week so i wont be able to implement your fixes for a little while, i think i know what you mean when you say scaffolding and whatever but i'll have to look it up, i can definitely try and find some examples to show you
  4. garrensilverwing

    Ladder System Logical Errors

    A friend of mine has been working on this code for a ladder/ranking system for this old school game we play. It works almost perfectly but there are some logical errors. I have been going through the code, tweaking what I can to try and get rid of the logical errors temporarily but it is not...
  5. garrensilverwing

    Ghost Players

    yeah actually me and the other guy noticed that too, but there are a couple files that are still problematic that don't have those extra lines
  6. garrensilverwing

    Ghost Players
  7. garrensilverwing

    Ghost Players

    i made the change to the code as you suggested and it certainly seems to have cut back on the number of ghost games, there used to be roughly 18% ghost games and now only 4%, a huge decrease. if you want to see how everything is working, go to if you have any...
  8. garrensilverwing

    Ghost Players

    sorry for the mixed cases, i was in the middle of changing them all when i decided to post on here, i thought the example game was vanwilder but i guess its bibifock[is] instead...i'll go through all your suggestions and clean it up, this was originally coded by my friend so its still confusing...
  9. garrensilverwing

    Ghost Players

    This guy and I are creating a ranking system for this game we play. The game automatically generates game reports and posts them on a webserver: The guy wrote a short php function that parses the game reports and then separates important information out, including...
  10. garrensilverwing

    separating parts of a long, complicated string

    yup looks like i'll have some studying to do haha, i did find an alternative method to doing it though so i don't have to get this project done right away
  11. garrensilverwing

    separating parts of a long, complicated string

    Here is my string: {test} 1. d4 d5 2. Bf4 {This is only my third game and I do not have the greatest opening knowledge in the world. So I want to stick with what I know, at least for the time being.} c6 3. Nf3 h6 4. e3 g5 5. Bg3 f6 {I am not sure what exactly the rule is on pawns in the...
  12. garrensilverwing

    Picture Uploading

    ah ok, thanks i fixed it. i just took out the hidden html size restriction and changed the mime check, it works now, thanks!
  13. garrensilverwing

    Picture Uploading

    I am trying to create a section where users will be able to make profiles on the website. This is so people can leave comments and stuff on emails and news articles and people will be able to learn a little about them. Also it will come in handy later when I start adding more and more features...
  14. garrensilverwing


    alright thanks guys!
  15. garrensilverwing


    maybe its just me because i use notepad++ and php...after i refresh the page a couple times it goes away, though i am running sessions and wouldnt it say i cant run the session if there are utf-8 code before the session starts?
  16. garrensilverwing


    "" i get this weird symbol at the top of a few of my pages. is one of the pages this happens on. I use html/css/php/mysql/javascript and i cant find the symbol anywhere in the code. is there an explanation of this? (i am viewing it in the latest version of...
  17. garrensilverwing

    JavaScript Show/Hide

    ah ok thanks very much, i had a similar thing going but my syntax was way off lol
  18. garrensilverwing

    JavaScript Show/Hide

    Hi guys. I am working on creating an online store type program for practice and I want to create a page where people can go in and edit the store by adding/removing items and changing the color schemes. I know this part of the program will be javascript heavy considering what i want it to do...
  19. garrensilverwing

    Review my site :

    it may just be me but the graphics at the top (logo and menu options) hurt my eyes a little because of the strips along the back, maybe putting a white background up there would help? idk if i'm the only one
  20. garrensilverwing

    php if argument

    Ah yes $Gender = trim($Gender); worked now its working perfectly, thanks a lot i would have never thought of that