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  1. Ninesvnsicks


    Weird mine doesn't have that.
  2. Ninesvnsicks


    Oh, yeah It finally loaded however I don't think thats what I was looking for. How do I backup my site?
  3. Ninesvnsicks


    Hi, I was wondering how I backup my database and files from cPanel I think it's the link called "R1Soft Restore Backups" but when I click it, it sends me to some zodiac server and doesn't load. I have added the exception thing it wanted me to.
  4. Ninesvnsicks

    Zero Tolerance

    I totally agree Warez will just slow our sites down from people downloading.
  5. Ninesvnsicks

    More Updates!

    I like the new logo, is that the new slogan?
  6. Ninesvnsicks

    Latest Updates

    I went to sign up for an account and the ad free package isn't available I accidentally signed up for static thinking it was ad free. I put a support ticket in tho so hopefully I can have the script sign me up for ad free instead because I need to have databases.
  7. Ninesvnsicks

    What would you improve?

    It would be nice if web account user names could be longer than 9 letters and could start with numbers.