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  1. H

    Review my site please!

    please read my tutorial about this.. {deleted}
  2. H

    plz review my frnd's site

    link is broken....
  3. H

    Credits for review | the new sb

    look nice with the animation render between menu...kewl.. yet the link for about and contact seems to link to your old website... for your copyright symbol, i think its better to put "& copy ;" (without spaces and quote) instead...
  4. H

    thanks buddy... :)
  5. H

    Review My Site

    seriously your page is too wide.... :)
  6. H

    yeah..i thought so...but anyway, i have changed my logo now anyway....
  7. H

    its based on photoshop,make slices after all, and then create the layout using CSS. thanks again tnl2k7... another big thanks for tittat for letting me know how to avoid spam bot by exposing my email address (tricks is done by replacing it with image).....
  8. H

    yes...could have matched the forum &website.. :) thanks for the idea... hit counter is good as the owner of the website(my client) wants to quickly see how many hit has been made since his last visit.. :) page load time is also good as I did optimization and reduce the site load time...
  9. H

  10. H

    dWhite's Realm Relaunch

    error while validating your xhtml.....
  11. H

    alright...thanks alot for the reviews.....i do appreciate it and yes, the site I design is purely tableless CSS design with single sprite file for image rollover...thats why the menu at the bottom is for alternate navigation menu only..but again, thanks for the review Edit: anymore review..please...
  12. H

    well.. client was updating something, so it's not validate properly..therefore. i just fixed it..thanks again.. Edit: any construction reviews...welcome please
  13. H

    Feedback appreciated --> when i view the site under firefox, weird stuff found at the right panel under "what i wrote recently" show some overlapping...i am not sure if it show properly under other browsers...
  14. H

    another website to be reviewed.. please comments... this is the site i design for my client.. should it be any suggestion, please state your opinion... thanks again....
  15. H

    this is the website... Now it's my turn to beg for your comments... please comment as many as you like.. all comments are welcome... thanks in advance...
  16. H

    My games arcade (second review)

    would be nice if you could include thumbnail of the games so ppl can be attracted more and more...hehehe... ads always need picture.. :) categorize the games would be a good option as well...
  17. H

    University Project

    very nice indeed....very good start... give you 8/10 keep going broo...
  18. H

    How is my website?

    yes.....gimme few moments.i am out a while first...
  19. H

    CSS troubles, please help :(

    your html code doesnt show how your navigation menu bar is layout...please post more details.. thanks.... but as i can help.. second optioon...treat the navigation links as image rollover. :)