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  1. deltavolt

    The battle of the web browsers

    I've switched to Safari for my main browser because of its speed but I still occasionally like playing around with FireFox.
  2. deltavolt

    Gmail Desktop Application

    I highly doubt Google will make a Desktop application out of Gmail mostly because they are pushing for Cloud. Even Chrome OS will mostly be a browser where Google expects you to use all applications online.
  3. deltavolt

    Next-Generation Mac Pro to support 128gb RAM?

    You pretty much nailed it. There are rumors, however, that the new iMacs are going Quad Core. The 128 GB of RAM isn't it's only accomplishment btw, it'll be available with 12 cores.
  4. deltavolt

    What are your Laptop's Specs?

    My 2.5 year MacBook Pro: Model: MacBook Pro How old?: ~ 2.5 years Size: 15" with a Max Resolution of 1440 by 900 Processor: 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Memory: 3 GB DDR2 @ 667MHz Video: ATY,RadeonX1600 Hard Drive: 500GB @ 7200 RPM OS: Mac OSX Snow Leopard, Windows XP, Ubuntu Linux Very happy.
  5. deltavolt

    Help With Creating a CMS

    Based on your requirements I'd say you'd probably be better off using a forum like phpBB and adding a website mod to it. Most forums already have the features you mentioned above.
  6. deltavolt

    Global Warming, melting glaciers, extinct species -- Do u believe?

    It's called Global Warming, it does not mean all of Earth will suffer the same effects. Besides, like I previously stated, it's more of Ocean Warming. Read this: I have seen those buildings and I know the Earth will...
  7. deltavolt

    Global Warming, melting glaciers, extinct species -- Do u believe?

    To your first post, global warming is happening, there is no denying it. Anyone who does obviously has not looked at the data. The problem lies in the fact that politicians keep getting in the way of scientists and are trying to use everything to their advantage. Global warming is actually the...
  8. deltavolt

    Google Microsoft CS War Episode 1

    I hope it's Microsoft. That way I won't have to worry about any viruses, hackers, spyware, and all of those things that would waste my time.
  9. deltavolt

    Mac or PC

    Limited in which way? I've been using mine for over 2 years and haven't found it limited in any way.
  10. deltavolt

    Warez or no Warez?

    I don't use them; I'll either buy the software or find another one that suits my needs just as well that's free. Office suite? OpenOffice for Windows, NeoOffice for Mac (though a Mac comes with it's own, free Office suite). Photoshop? Gimp. Though, I personally prefer Photoshop enough to have...
  11. deltavolt

    Mac or PC

    Which is more than you can say for a PC.
  12. deltavolt

    Mac or PC

    A Mac gives you access to all Windows, all linux, and all OSX software. How is that restricting?
  13. deltavolt


    To add to that last point, couldn't that also apply to Christianity and Islam? To extend my above question to you, wouldn't Christianity, then, be equivalent to the Aunt who saw you when you were 25 but denies that you're now 40(Islam)? Also, isn't God perfect? How can perfection change? That...
  14. deltavolt

    What's your favorite (free) FTP Client?

    It is in the AppStore but it's not free. It is, however, cheaper than the alternative you mentioned. It is also, back when I was looking at the Apps at least, more feature-rich.
  15. deltavolt

    What's your favorite (free) FTP Client?

    I use iStorage on my iPhone, it's FTP and more. Works very well for me. FileZilla for my Mac and PC.
  16. deltavolt

    Mac or PC

    I don't really know, I'm not familiar with the product as I've never had to use it. I just used one of my older machine's Windows for my Mac and installed Linux on it instead. That's their website, you may be able to gleam some information from it.
  17. deltavolt

    MAC vs Windows vs Linux For Students

    The Mac would be able to handle heavy gaming as well as a PC if it has Windows installed because you can always boot directly into the Windows partition. True, that is an annoyance (unless you connect a separate mouse to it) or use Parallels which fixes the problem (It actually does have two...
  18. deltavolt

    Mac or PC

    Yes, you can use CrossOver to perform almost any Windows-task without actually having Windows installed.
  19. deltavolt

    Mac or PC

    Indeed it isn't, I appologize, I must have misread. If it works on Vista it'll run on my MacBook Pro just fine. Was Tiger around so long ago? I suppose it must have just come out. Either way, it'd be like assuming that Vista was a huge success and actually worked as it should have and...
  20. deltavolt

    MAC vs Windows vs Linux For Students

    If you wish to run Mac OSX without any problems then the Mac hardware is the best choice. The Dell Mini 9 can run OSX decently well (I'm not endorsing it) but by the time you get it's specs to a decent level it'll cost you around the same as Mac hardware. OSX is the best at working with other...