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  1. fomalhaut

    How to display a "wait" page while php busy ?

    Thank you two for the links. But in fact, I was wrong, and probably I do not explain well. I wanted only show one of my page while server works. I had an error in my script (the "id" in the object tag html was not which I used in the Javascript !) I've find it, it works well now. Thanks again...
  2. fomalhaut

    How to display a "wait" page while php busy ?

    Hello While php works on an image (upload with transformation: imagecreatetruecolor, imagecreatefromjpeg, imagecopyresample, imagejpeg...) I would like to display a page that makes the client understand it's working, and there is some seconds of wait. And naturely, I want this page disappears...
  3. fomalhaut

    Memory exhauted on a GD beforecreatefromjpeg function

    Hello Descalzo Yes, of course, you are right. I've made some tests on my owm machine and I can limit the memory at 40Mo, but as a precaution, I code ini_set('memory_limit', '50M');This is sufficient. Thanks again and have a good day.
  4. fomalhaut

    Memory exhauted on a GD beforecreatefromjpeg function

    Thank you very much descalzo. 1. No, it was not on x10, because I test my application on my localhost. So the memory limit is probably 32Mo. 2.I've add before the image manipulation the function ini_set('memory_limit', '100M')... 3. ... and it works well ! Thanks again. I'll go further into...
  5. fomalhaut

    Memory exhauted on a GD beforecreatefromjpeg function

    Hello. I'm trying to resize a client image before insert it into my web site. The image is choosen on the client post throught a form, and is correctly obtained. It's accessible by $_FILES['fileNameAIns'] array. $max_cote = 1600; list($wOri, $hOri) =...
  6. fomalhaut

    onresize and Firefox

    Thank you, Essellar, for that very simple, but very good idea ! I've changed my page as you said. It works fine, and it seems the same I wanted ! But the "onresize" that don't works with Firefox is a problem I'd like to resolve... one of these days ! thanks again.
  7. fomalhaut

    onresize and Firefox

    Hello. I've a problem with onresize on the Firefox browser: I've a list in a table. This table is defined in a "div" tag. Depending on the height of my window, I want only the "div" to be scrollable, not the whole document, because in fact, there will be other elements above it: <?php...
  8. fomalhaut

    Display all that would be secret while Mysql is broken

    As4s1n : That's exactly what I've done too, because in fact, PDO translate the variables to their values. No problem.
  9. fomalhaut

    Display all that would be secret while Mysql is broken

    That's so simple !!! :redface: I'll do that asap. Thank you very much Gsonline
  10. fomalhaut

    Display all that would be secret while Mysql is broken

    Hello. While the Mysql update, if I try to connect my website, I got a (normal) error. What must I change for not display secret things, like user, password ? Here is the message I have : (naturelly, I've masked the real user, password ecc. by usr, ident, dbName...) Thanks if you can help me.
  11. fomalhaut

    mySql : Select into file

    OK, thanks again Misson, I've done the modification. It works well. Thanks for all.
  12. fomalhaut

    mySql : Select into file

    Hello, Misson, I've used setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_NUM) and it works fine, as I wanted, with a code easier to read. Thanks again.
  13. fomalhaut

    server feedback

    For those who are not satisfied : I confirm that. I'm an ordinary user, too. And I pretend it will be very difficult to find a free hosting as good with the same conditions, staff, uptime, support, and features ! And I say "thank you again for your work" to the x10hosting team.
  14. fomalhaut

    mySql : Select into file

    OK, I've found. I do that: if (isset($_GET['save']) && isset($saveTB[$_GET['save']])) { $saveCode = $_GET['save']; $errors = array(); $lgn = ''; $TB = $saveTB[$_GET['save']]; $backupFile = '../Backup/' . $TB . '.sql'; $how = "SELECT count(*) FROM ". $TB; $sql = "SELECT * FROM "...
  15. fomalhaut

    mySql : Select into file

    I've suppressed the Output term. I only use fwrite : if (isset($_GET['save']) && isset($saveTB[$_GET['save']])) { $saveCode = $_GET['save']; $errors = array(); $lgn = ''; $TB = $saveTB[$_GET['save']]; $backupFile = '../Backup/' . $TB . '.sql'; $how = "SELECT count(*) FROM ". $TB...
  16. fomalhaut

    mySql : Select into file

    OK, I've found !! Select Into file writes in a directory relative to the mysql directory. And that doesn't arrange me because this is not the same place on my test server than on the x10 server. So I've tried your "fwrite method", as4s1n. And it works, putting the file where I expect it...
  17. fomalhaut

    mySql : Select into file

    Hello. Of course, there are, I'm french ! You're right, that's just an occasional backup, because, the tables will not move a lot. Please, what the exact meaning of "BTW" ? In facts: Having changed some things, I've now a more precise message: And alas, I don't find it in any directory ...
  18. fomalhaut

    mySql : Select into file

    Hello I want to make a copy of a table into a file in order to make a backup. $db = db_name; $dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=$db", 'user', 'pw'); $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $TB = db_name.table_name; $backupFile = '../Backup/' . $TB . '.sql'...
  19. fomalhaut

    How to sort a html table

    Thank you Misson. Now I understand. And thank you for having shown me the possible Sql injection. It's ok, that's what I'll do.
  20. fomalhaut

    HTML <select> FORM ?

    Hello Noivel. I don't know if that's the real problem but you have not really close the "form" tag : you wrote "<from>" instead of "</form>" after the "</select>" tag: <option value="/gsp/191-xfactorserverscom.html">XFACTORSERVERS.COM</option></select><from>instead of <option...