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  1. fomalhaut

    Security problem with history button

    Hello guys. Firstly, thank you for your answers. That's what I've added in the head section of my html page, when the user is connected. But, that doesn't work, the back button still displays the page I don't want. And if I do "show the source code" for that page, it has really the three lines...
  2. fomalhaut

    Security problem with history button

    Hello. The first page of my web site (php, html, javascript) is for public consultation, but there is a form which permits administrators to sign on (with user and password). When an administrator is signed on, he has a bigger menu, and so he can manage users and others things. That works fine...
  3. fomalhaut

    Controling time of user inaction

    Thank you, Descalzo for your help. I presume it is possible to test any event, such as mouse click, or key down, anywhere on the page, probably in the "body" section, not only access to new page ? I'll try that. Thanks again. ;)
  4. fomalhaut

    Controling time of user inaction

    Hello. On my page (written with php, mysql, html) after a user has connected himself (giving user name and password), the menu is changed, according to his "hierarchical level". I want to be sure he doesn't stay connected without action over a certain delay. How can I do that ? Does a...
  5. fomalhaut

    cPanel : problem with a text file

    Hello ;) OK, it works : I've deleted it in legacy file manager, and now, it does not exist nor in lecagy, nor in "ordinary" file manager. Thanks, Gsonline You are right, it's wasn't a good idea, in fact, i've uploaded it with other files, but it was an error ! Sorry, I can't test the rename...
  6. fomalhaut

    cPanel : problem with a text file

    Hello May be, it's not the good location... I've a problem in the file manager of cPanel with a text file (named "à_faire.txt") I created and I don't need anymore. I select it, and then clic "delete file". The systeme ask me confirmation, of course, I answer "Yes". The list is refreshed and...
  7. fomalhaut

    Problem with the "quote" PDO function

    Thanks, Misson, that was rather simple ! :nuts: I declare it as global... and it works !
  8. fomalhaut

    Problem with the "quote" PDO function

    Hello. I try to use the quote function of PDO to escape a string issued from a form. The connection with the DB seems to be establish, but I've this message : that's the function I use : include (''); include ('functions.php'); $ut = $_POST['utilisateur']; $pa =...
  9. fomalhaut

    Access denied using mysql_real_escape_string()

    Hello Of course I'll change it ! On my cmputers, the only one that is not secure is php : My PHP computer is not open for the outside, only for development. So I think it's not necessary to work it in safe mode ! Thank you.
  10. fomalhaut

    Access denied using mysql_real_escape_string()

    Hello OK, thank you very much, Descalzo, I'll add a DB connect first. I'll try to do that with PDO (if I can). So, on my computers, the DB connection is implicite when I call this mysql function ! Thank you again.
  11. fomalhaut

    Access denied using mysql_real_escape_string()

    Hello I've this message on x10hosting, that I havn't on my two personnal computers and I don't understand why! It's just at the begining of my script : This is the begining of index.php : <?php session_start(); include ('functions.php'); ?> <html><head><title>Fomalhaut</title> <SCRIPT...
  12. fomalhaut

    pb PHP using mysql prepare statement

    Hello I'm very ashamed of myself, sheepish, and confused !!!! :dunno: The error message I gave was not the one corresponding to the code I joined ! Sorry... Descalzo, you're right ! this isn't the good message ! The real message was : However, I've not poured down too much whisky in my...
  13. fomalhaut

    pb PHP using mysql prepare statement

    Hello. I want use prepare statement for a mysql insert statement but I have the following error : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ':' in C:\xampp\htdocs\fomalhaut\gesUtil.php on line 2 I don't understand really how do I link this $dbh with my database which would already connected ...
  14. fomalhaut

    PHP and DOM

    Thanks for your comments and help. Misson, that's very sympathic showing me this password problem. I've read the links you gave me, and I'll try to rewrite my password's access using that. Does that mean I MUST do the same with $service, or does it mean it's not necessary ? (Scuse me, beeing...
  15. fomalhaut

    PHP and DOM

    Hello. I set a user value throught a form (that's ok). And I want this user to be visible in the "input form" during his whole session. here's the form: <form action="index.php" method="post"> Identifiant :<br /><input type="text" name="utilisateur" id="utilisateur" /><br /> Mot de Passe...
  16. fomalhaut

    passing variable's value from php to others

    Hello Yes, Xav0989, I gave an answer. I though I've probably made a bad operation while answering ! Indeed, I thought the [php]<?php session_start(); ?>[ /php] was needed only on the first page !!!:biggrin: After having put it on each page, it works very well ! Thanks again. You can close...
  17. fomalhaut

    passing variable's value from php to others

    Hello all. I've a problem in php. On a php page, I get the user's informations (user, password, etc...). On another php page, the user can change his password or his profile, but I don't want have to ask him again his user name. I've tried with session_start(); on the top of the first page...
  18. fomalhaut

    Manage Passwords

    Thanks for your responses. Garrett, the link you've give me is exatly what I need ! It seems to be a very good website for me. Thanks again
  19. fomalhaut

    Manage Passwords

    Hello. I want to manage identifications and passwords for access to some lines of menu in my site. Is there existing php scripts I could get instead of writing it ? Thanks.
  20. fomalhaut

    pb with mysql_connect

    Thank you for your help. I've created a user with password for my database, and I've suppressed the port number. ... and it works fine. Thanks again. ;)