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  1. ah-blabla

    keeping text files & personal bookmarks in protected directory

    Not a good idea: flash drives are unreliable; just about any flash drive I use regularly dies after a year or two (I have now had two last over 2 years, but that's because I rarely use them). A Hard Drive is more reliable for backup. You might want to use something like xdrive, which gives you...
  2. ah-blabla

    Gmail Desktop Application

    BTW, Thunderbird officially supports a threaded view of emails which is sort of similar to the GMail threaded view. I don't use Thunderbird though, so I can't comment on how good it is.
  3. ah-blabla


    I don't have much SQL experience, but I'll try help: Try removing the ; after the last bracket, i.e. the last three lines should be: FOREIGN KEY (id_work) REFERENCES work (id) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; All the examples on this page don't have that semicolon, so that *could* be causing the problem. Also...
  4. ah-blabla

    Noob Question

    But it specifically states. The server name given in cpanel is the x10 server name. I have my own domain, set up as the main domain, and I still have the x10 server domain listed for ftp. If he copied the domain then it will be the x10 domain, not his own domain. I quote the cpanel page: Here...
  5. ah-blabla

    Noob Question

    BTW, it says On my account at least, cpanel only lists x10hosting domains for ftp access, so I don't think DNS is the problem here, since an x10 domain will probably be being used. BTW, are you using the correct username? Try using your cpanel username and password to log into ftp. Any users...
  6. ah-blabla

    Next-Generation Mac Pro to support 128gb RAM?

    I doubt it since apple don't do hardware design (i.e. design of components). They just take ready hardware (Processors from Intel, etc etc...) and make systems from it. Apple's main "innovations" lie in ready products, but not the technology behind them.
  7. ah-blabla

    Next-Generation Mac Pro to support 128gb RAM?

    Hard drives are getting physically quite near the limit nowadays though. You could always take a massive raid setup with data spread over a thousand drives, but then you would have i.o. capacity of the controller as the bottleneck + massive cost. I suppose if you have the money for one of these...
  8. ah-blabla

    MySQL 'max_user_connections' active connections

    The problem could be that you use a separate connection for each visitor, so if you get 50 visitors you get 50 connections. Try using the same connection for all visitors. (I'm not very knowledgeable in php, so I can't tell you how this would be done.) Edit: read this article, which seems to...
  9. ah-blabla

    Gmail Desktop Application

    That STILL isn't evidence of you being able to search other's emails. And do you have any evidence of people paying to access the emails? (And why amn't I affected at all if my emails, like you say, are being searched.) BTW, legally providers cannot read the email on their servers in many...
  10. ah-blabla

    RFID chip, is it real?

    Free speech, freedom to act as one wishes etc. would also be down the drain at the same time. You would live in constant fear of saying something the controller doesn't like and ... bam ... you no longer exist in this world. And the logistics of actually monitoring things to prevent such things...
  11. ah-blabla

    Life is sacred?

    That is if you assume we are the only planet with life. The chances are there are more planets with life in the Universe than just the earth, in which case the Earth is just another one of the rocks with life in the Universe. I myself do see life as sacred, but that's more due to opinion than...
  12. ah-blabla

    Birth of Sociology

    There are no "correct" answers to philosophical questions, so no one will ever be able to get a "correct" answer anyway. You can simply get better developed answers. I partly agree with that. A lot of human interaction is pointless formalities, or as Douglas Adams says we have a "habit of...
  13. ah-blabla

    My forum just got set back

    Works fine for me as well now. Thanks
  14. ah-blabla

    My forum just got set back

    I think the MySQL databases on Starka at least got set back a few weeks, since I have noticed something similar.
  15. ah-blabla

    Gmail Desktop Application

    Re: Gmail Desktop Application - goNOgle And if google actually had that program for background noise... it would be quite a feat of computer science to have a program analysing your environment from... sounds. I'd leave my microphone beside the toilet and see what ads I get. I just noticed: I...
  16. ah-blabla

    PHP Session writing issue (starka)

    Resolved now. I still have the strange mysql problem whereby two of my databases can't be accessed by joomla / roundcube despite my not having changed settings, while another joomla installation works fine.
  17. ah-blabla

    PHP Session writing issue (starka)

    There seems to be a php problem today: using dokuwiki, or trying to log into sky blue canvas results in the following being shown: Warning: Unknown: write failed: No space left on device (28) in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the...
  18. ah-blabla

    Gmail Desktop Application

    Re: Gmail Desktop Application - goNOgle In what way was Al Gore an "inconvenient" liar? (At least he tries to do something, even if he's not too accurate about things.) And you do know if Google didn't comply with Chinese regulations they would be completely blocked off, which would be worse...
  19. ah-blabla

    Virus through Facebook?

    I strongly disagree. With a secure browser and OS that won't happen. If you're using Windows with an Admin account and IE6 anything can happen. (There is a reason for making it easy to work as non-root in *Nix systems...) If you are half intelligent you don't put any sensitive data in, or even...
  20. ah-blabla

    Gmail Desktop Application

    From what I've heard you can't even call Chrome OS an OS, rather it's a GNU/Linux system with the chrome browser, and everything else stripped away. (And a new windowing system, whatever that would bring.) All google are trying to do is push users into their (proprietary) online services, so...