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  1. T

    Post your vehicles pic.

    Very nice, Russ! Owch :eek4:
  2. T

    I can't see my phpbb forum

    Okay, strange... I'm not very experienced with phpbb so I don't know of any specific problems that might be causing it. Did you install the script through Fantasico or did you upload and install it yourself? Can you confirm that all the files are actually in that directory? Maybe try...
  3. T

    I can't see my phpbb forum

    When you log into cPanel, they'll be a link to an error log there.
  4. T

    review my site&rate it out of 10

    Yep, a page title would be good. The design and colours of the site are fine, though it'd be better if it was wider/fluid. You should create a nice logo to match it. The left side feels a bit bare, imo. Maybe some more content or navigation there would help. 5/10
  5. T

    I can't see my phpbb forum

    Are you getting anything in your error log?
  6. T

    PHPBB forum issue

    What happens when you try to sign in, is it a blank page? Incorrect password message? Or something else?
  7. T

    Google Maps Driving Simulator Lets You 'Drive' Anywhere

    Well that kept me occupied for about half an hour. :biggrin:
  8. T

    New x10 status site!

    What version of Opera are you running, booksgo? I'm not getting what you're getting with 9.50.
  9. T

    New x10 status site!

    Looks fine here... what's it doing wrong?
  10. T

    CD Vs DVD

    Depends what it's for, but DVDs mostly.
  11. T

    Metacafe VS. Youtube

    I use Metacafe every now and then but Youtube has the best range of vids by far.
  12. T

    New x10 status site!

    Looks nice, the layout is nicely done, and I've got a weakness for things that change colour on hover. :biggrin: Is that underline supposed to stay on the home button? EDIT: Nevermind, saw the shoutbox.
  13. T


    Very nicely done! It's nice to see that you're moving away from default vBulletin-like types of themes.
  14. T

    cant delete a folder from file manager in CPanel

    Drupal is an app that tends to do this it seems. Check the file's permissions, can you delete it through FTP?
  15. T

    IM Locked Out My Forum

    I'm not familiar with vB's database structure, but there should be a column in your user table that controls what group the user exists in; you can change it manually through there. EDIT: Oh... Are you saying you deleted the Administrator usergroup?
  16. T

    Congratuations Corey!

    Have a great day, Corey :biggrin:
  17. T

    Open source cms(searching)

    That's right. Try and make a list of what you must have, or what you really want to have in a CMS, search for a product that matches your needs. If you get multiple choices, take a look at their other features and ask yourself what others would benefit you.
  18. T


    Welcome to x10hosting, pipusch :biggrin:
  19. T

    DB host?

    You should use 'localhost' ;)
  20. T

    Best Free FTP

    Probably Filezilla I'd say, but I've also used FlashFXP.