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  1. P

    Photoshop Video Tutorials

    thanks for sharing, would be helpful for newbies
  2. P

    uploading files problem

    ok first off this is a section to review your site once its done, this should go in free hosting help. before you come in here complaining you need check out the, and if you did that you would of noticed that they were/are doing maintenance on the...
  3. P

    Site design changed.How is it?

    its better, but any site shouldn't be yellow. and if your going to have a yellow site you need a better navigation, it doesnt take more that 15 mins to make a graphical navigation for your site.
  4. P

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B

  5. P

    frustrating problem with php and javascript

    ahhh yes, if you try again you will notice that this is fixed, i had two extra variables that i didnt need, but the variables were empty so it would throw that error. Thanks for that anyways
  6. P

    php mail contact form?? plz help

    it is already enabled, if you dont know what php is then you should read up and learn a little about it at can you post your code, and the errors you are getting. by the way this is in the right category.
  7. P

    Help with Website Builder contact form please.

    no you dont have to install special software, i found this contact form online and it works really well. You can check it out at it is one of the ones named contact us, Good luck. PS.This is the wrong forum for this, it should be in programming help.
  8. P

    frustrating problem with php and javascript

    yes, i thats what i was thinking, but it doesnt need to be done now. Thanks for all the help
  9. P

    New to Website Design

    yes, i like all of them, i couldnt do half that good if i tried to copy it, im just that untalented with designing, im better at coding. Keep it up
  10. P

    frustrating problem with php and javascript

    im hoping to make a chat system, but that will be way later, as im not that good at javascript yet
  11. P

    Site design changed.How is it?

    very plain, it needs some color, also you should create a different navigation menu, something that isnt text online. Other than that i cant see anything that looks out of place. Good luck!
  12. P

    frustrating problem with php and javascript

    thanks, i was thinking about the second option, but i wasnt quite sure, thanks for the input!
  13. P

    Transferred: Hi i'm in need of REALLY BIG assistance. More info within.

    reverse coding takes time, you have to look at say the client side and see what functions are in the game, and then create a server side for all of those functions. So it might be a while, and if you dont have any coding knowledge you arnt going to be able to help at all. I hope that someone is...
  14. P

    frustrating problem with php and javascript

    Ok so on my site you can see friends that are online, so why you log out they go offline, but when you close out the browser they log out, but they dont go "Offline". so i tried a little ajax with it for unload to send a request to the page to logout, but it logs out every time you change the...
  15. P

    300 credits to help installing script{php}

    I can help you out as long as you have the script. *PM sent* hope this all works well with you
  16. P

    Review My Valve Games Portal!

    yes this is the right place to post a site review. Now on to your site, i like your colors they all match each other, text is easy to read, and everything is very organized. for your forum, im sorry, but it doesnt go with the other template. also the search box at the top the word "search" it is...
  17. P

    Transferred: Hi i'm in need of REALLY BIG assistance. More info within.

    server 2008 is microsoft server, it would be surprising if you hadnt heard of it. and here is a Wikipedia article on it i am not failure with either, but both you could find some tutorials on by a quick google search.
  18. P

    Css Tableless design

    +1 for CSS is really powerful once you get the hang of it. if you want you site in googles search engine you can go to for yahoo you can go to and for bing you can go to...
  19. P

    Please review world forums at

    yes you should never make a website for your monitor screen, even if it does look good there are still people with older computers and small screen(netbooks). so dont make a website as big as it can be. Other than that is good.
  20. P

    Please review my site

    i like it, it looks a little like a boring business website, it has under construction pages, and everything else is good, 8/10