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    Guess Who Posts Next

    No, me! :D Smith66 next.
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    PHP Question

    Shouldn't it be... $cats = new SimpleXMLElement('help.xml', null, true); I'm not sure either, so if you have any doubts, feel free to look at this link:
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    FREEBIES in Internet?

    Wow, free T-shirt and free shipping? :O I don't know where the heck did you get idea someone would be doing that... no offense.
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    New Battlefield Heroes video

    Why do I have feeling they won't release it this year? It was supposed to be out THIS summer and summer's gone...
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    Copy tables to another Database

    I guess it's not lengthy thing, but you can always back up your tables using PhpMyAdmin or cPanel and then import them ;)
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    Copy tables to another Database

    Google for SQL SELECT INTO. MySQL doesn't support it, but you can find alternatives on their dev site ;) Good luck!
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    Chrome launched by Google

    I wouldn't expect official AdBlock Plus or sorta like that. Maybe 3rd party, but official -- neh! It's not in their interest to release something that would block their ads or something like that ;)
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    Chrome launched by Google

    I've been poking on Internet articles about Chrome and after some investigation, found a way to crash WHOLE browser, not just one tab. Here, open a multiple tabs (just for proof). And in an empty tab, type this in address bar: javascript:document.write("<a href='EVIL:%'>Crash me, baby!</a>")...
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    Microsoft Pulls on Firefox’s Tail

    19% ?! Where'd you get that one? o_O If you ask me -- as long as people are leaving IE6, I'm fine with IE :) IE7+ ain't that junk (altough it can behave so sometimes). Drop IE6! :)
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    How do YOU feel about having kids?

    This is something dumbest I've ever heard!! What about my country, Serbia? Serbs are dying as a nation. You only think of nations which are overpopulating e.g. China. French are dying too. Oh, please, I've heard many things, but having a child being selfish? Wow, I can't believe some people...
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    December 21, 2012...

    These stories should scare large portion of careless people..
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    Hello and new to Wamp Server 2

    Hi, there! I use WAMP server for my home development, so if you've got any question, shoot :)
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    Hi o/

    Well X10 really has ended my hunt. :) I don't know about yours, but should be fine too. Welcome :)
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    I need a ftp client

    I simply use FireFTP -> addon for Firefox :D
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    phpmyadmin does wrong

    Try INT instead of VARCHAR (most people use integers for IDs anyway).
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    Your view on Georgia Vs. Russia conflict

    Hitler was weird, but he's done everything just for benefit of German people. He has failed in the end, yes, but... he's done it for Germany.
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    Your view on Georgia Vs. Russia conflict

    You can't really say some country is doing something wrong. I mean this is isn't a movie where bad and good guys exist. This is real world -- thus leaders do what's in interest of them and their people. Wouldn't you do your best for your family and yourself? Of course you would! Maybe some...
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    World's Worst Web Designs

    Yeah, it's probably vintage, I don't find it that sad :)
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    windows 7

    What?! Pay per module?! o_O What will be the price of fully equipped OS in the end? $2000? Geez...
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    Google india labs page hacked

    OK, go to x10 hosting's home page. Enter this in address bar and hit enter: javascript:document.getElementById('mCCon').innerHTML = "<p style='background-color: white; font-size: 30px; color: black;'>Wanna download porns?! :) Noobhack :P</p>"; alert("!"); That's just an example :P Leethack :O