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  1. S

    Google india labs page hacked

    Exactly! If you want me, I could make a fake "hack" of x10 Hosting and then put you screenshot.
  2. S

    Google india labs page hacked

    This is all wrong. Google India Labs is not hacked. Take a look at the link in first post: It's not real link, real link is: Who knows what the first link is. If you take a look at the page source, you'll see what I'm talking...
  3. S

    How do YOU feel about having kids?

    I think it's simply natural to want a child. And when I grow up, when I find a job, build a house etc. I'll certainly have a kid. It's natural. And as one guy on first page said, kid can make you a lot happier. I don't know, I can't explain it - but closest explanation from me is - it's natural...
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    Linux vs. Windows - Web server market share

    Thanks for replies, guys! Are there are links to cover up your stories, please? Like precise data on how much percent of servers use Linux?
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    Linux vs. Windows - Web server market share

    Hi, guys! I've got one question. Who dominates on web server field? Linux or Windows? I think it's Linux but I've heard some stories that Windows has more than 50%. I don't really know if it's true, that's why I ask. Is it nonsense or it's true? I hope to see some fast replies here :)
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    World's Worst Web Designs

    I wonder where you dig all this junk o_O
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    Code CSS on Firefox

    I bet you'll get more issues with IE than with Firefox :) Seriously, Firefox doesn't have many issues. I know that sometimes some div doesn't stretch down as it's supposed but here's the solution (might be useful for you): #IdOfElementOrWhatever:after { content: "."; display: block...
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    Internet Explorer Vs. Firefox

    I'd go for Firefox. It's not I hate all IEs, I hate IE6. It's simply a night mare for web designers. IE7 and I suppose 8 too (haven't tested) works much nicer than IE6 so I kinda like it. But Firefox all the way for, since it's got more features, and it's more customizable.
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    Spam Wars!!!!!!!

    I say that this game is so childish and I get pwned, right? :P
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    how to execute php script with cron jobs ?

    I thought you can do it like this: php /home/user/public_html/example.php Is this one wrong?
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    javascript external source problem

    Try putting src simply to quickstart.js Also, what you wanna do with that script? P.S. If you get annoyed by hard AJAX scripting, there's always prototype.js JavaScript framework to help out :) jQuery works nice too :P
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    Review my clan site!

    When I saw URL to your website, I thought it's called ROFL Legion, not RoF (Reign of the Fallen) Legion. Hehe :D
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    Website creation

    I don't agree with that one. Watching how Dreamweaver adds markup a few years ago taught me basics of HTML ;) But all depends of style you learn.
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    php basic

    Very basics can be learned at: I guess it's a nice place to start, and after that - grab some books.
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    Yes. Would you go to North Pole for million bucks?
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    noob mySQL security question...

    Well if you don't store username and password for database in a .txt file, you should be safe. This is my style to connect and query with MySQL database. I've got 2 files. sql-info.php and sql-connect.php. And I do sql-info.php like this: <?php $_SQL = array( 'server_name' =>...
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    Windows VS. Mac

    Lol, I've read some posts where people say crackers don't deal with writing viruses for Mac. That's lol! No viruses for some system is its advantage, not a disadvantage. And there are no viruses cause it hasn't got 10^100 security holes, unlike Windows. Mac all the way for, if you ask me...
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    New VPS Service!

    This looks neat and really good alternative. Is there a guide on how to install it? Also, if I buy VPS, how will I be able to use PHP/MySQL? Sorry for asking these noob questions :(
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    New VPS Service!

    Hey, guys! Is there any free relative competitor to cPanel? Some free alternative?
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    Credits for Browser's PrintScreen

    This is a useful link for getting screens on multiple IEs: This is even more useful (but sloooooow): Still worth of it :))