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  1. Y

    Change to Inactivity Policy

    Woww..Godd News !! Thanks
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    Where In The World?

    I don't know...
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    hello,, welcome aboard to x10 ship..
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    Thanks X10hosting

    Day by day your service always even better... I love x10hosting !
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    Webmail configuration

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    Webmail configuration

    Hi, I have a problem with my webmail, it can receive email but it cannot send email, when I send email it would say message successfuly sent but the email not actually sent to the recipient. is I missed something in webmail configuration/authentification ? thanks,
  7. Y

    Not Receive Wordpress Mail Notification

    Hi, My web using Wordpress, it's ever had receive wordpress notification but now I'm not getting any notification mail from wordpress anymore. I have change setting and email address of my wordpress site but it still not work. My last email from wordpress sent via this address ...
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    My Wisdom teeth grow and all I get just tooth pain

    "Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the very back teeth in the upper and lower jaw. These teeth typically appear between the ages of 17 to 26. In some people only some wisdom teeth erupt and in others they may not at all. It may take 5-10 years from the...
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    Graphics and Tutorials

    like this...
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    500 Internal Server Error

    my web is coming back.... Thanks for your help !! :wink:
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    500 Internal Server Error

    I've just got this Error recently,, Please resolve this error....I'll be waiting.... :(
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    Internal Server Error Please Help !!

    Well, I'll wait if you said so... hoping you guys fixing my problem as fast as you can... thanks regard.
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    Internal Server Error Please Help !!

    No, I think I'm not changed any setting recently and last time I'm logged in,, I'm facing this internal error about 12 hours ago, I don't think my .Htaccess is the source matter because I recoding it but the the prob still not fixed,, Every my Web directory are set in 0755,, except the index...
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    Internal Server Error Please Help !!

    please help me to fix the problem.... I'm waiting for about 10 hours but the problem still not fixed,,,
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    500 Internal Server Error

    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More...
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    Forum Name Change Requests

    New Name : yamaAoi119
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    What is your favourite FTP Program?

    Fillezilla is great but sometimes it caused HRU n' make you being least that happened to me,,I don't know if that ever happened to you guys or not..
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    Quote It! - Share your favorite quotes

    “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” -Albert Einstein-
  19. Y

    Can suspension become pemanentely and Unsuspendable ?

    thanks again.... now I got it...