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  1. R

    Does Obama Want to Bring Back Slavery?

    I have just read the page again and I cannot see anywhere that states any of this is mandatory. (Bold and underlined text done by me for emphasis.) I may be reading this wrong but it looks to me like they are offering a $4,000 tuition assistance to any college student volunteering 100 hours...
  2. R

    Did Obama buy his Election?

    Just keep one thing in mind. When this country started it's slide, Obama, Biden and McCain were in the Senate where they had control of the country almost as much as the president did. They helped put us in our current state and then, when election time rolled around, promised change. BTW...
  3. R

    Does Obama Want to Bring Back Slavery?

    The problem I have with this is that we're now saying we want the government to raise our children through laws instead of becoming a better parent. I'm not sure this is so much "about them" as it is school districts worried about insurance and litigation costs. When I rode a bus to school...
  4. R

    Does Obama Want to Bring Back Slavery?

    I see. Maybe they changed more of the article, also. Perhaps President Elect Obama needs to hire a "Proof Reader" for his site? It would definitely help keep him from getting into trouble over a misunderstanding. We'll see how this all pans out. I do believe that people need to become...
  5. R

    Does Obama Want to Bring Back Slavery?

    Thanks. Now I got to read it. It looks like the title of this thread may be a little "Sensationalist". Not trying to be nasty but nowhere in the article did I read about any of this being mandatory. The only part that was unclear was the "50 hours" of community service for middle school...
  6. R

    Does Obama Want to Bring Back Slavery?

    I really can't comment on this fully because when I went to the site listed, I got a "Page Unavailable" error. This is what I would think most Americans would have problems with. How is requiring community service going to improve our education system and by the time you reach retirement age...
  7. R

    Microsoft Antitrust Case: Justified or not

    A big part of the Microsoft anti-trust case was that they intentionally "broke" Windows so that competitors' products wouldn't work with Windows. (Java? Netscape?) It's one thing to allow you to bundle your products but to use your maket position to make sure that your competitors products...
  8. R

    Please Review

    That's a lot of information. As a parent who put two daughters through school (they've both graduated. Yay!), that is a lot of the information I was looking for from our schools. Some of the .pdf's, namely the yearly calendar, needs to be re-done because of the way it was scanned...
  9. R

    Can money buy true happiness?

    No. It can put you in a "better class of misery" though.
  10. R


    For my family....Definitely. Community.....Definite Maybe. Greater Good? What greater good? (I should also tell you that I am very much an "anti-social" type so people in general don't interest me at all.) I served 20+ years in the US Army and, thankfully, I didn't have to make the...
  11. R

    DRM or no DRM?

    Since there are only two choices, I voted "I Hate It". I do not hate it because of the reasons many may think. I pay for my movies (my wife's movies, actually) and have a collection of DVDs numbering over 850 titles. I pay for my music, which, after the famous Sony root-kit, I haven't...
  12. R

    [CSS]Making menu with line

    Well, I gave it a shot. I'm still learning CSS myself so......... Glad everything worked out.
  13. R

    [CSS]Making menu with line

    Don't you need a "display: inline;" or "display: block;" in the css to determine how it is laid out? Believe me, I'm no expert but that's what I've used in the menus I've done or edited.
  14. R

    How do YOU feel about having kids?

    Well, I'll end my part in this by telling you that "Yes I will use annecdotal reference." You are taking the word of complete strangers that what they say is fact and dismissing the fact that someone has had very different, real-life experiences as conjecture. Almost like the guys that...
  15. R

    How do YOU feel about having kids?

    [/COLOR] "ugly fights usually increase" - Now there's a quantifiable, scientific answer. Kinda like a "Definite maybe". I believe they "usually" increase with immature parents. Parents who were not ready or responsible enough to have kids in the first place. If I remember correctly, one...
  16. R

    How old are x10Hosting members?

    45 in December.
  17. R

    Rate me :P

    Well, the pictures are pixelated (could be better quality), not a lot of content (account suspended) and the last time that I heard music sound like that was when I still had my turntable with a bad stylus and albums with tons of scratches.
  18. R

    McCAIN Vs. Obama

    Is there really any difference between the two of them? Look closely. They're politicians. Both of them. They're the type who have ruined this nation. There was a time when being President or Senator or Congressman was a prestigious position. Now it's a position in which these...
  19. R

    How do YOU feel about having kids?

    Would you provide some links to all of these statistics and polls and studies that you use to defend your stance? Also, I don't begrudge you for not wanting children. That is a major life decision on whether or not to have them. But I do have to say that at six months old you were...
  20. R

    Event calendar

    I am looking for some help finding an event calendar for my website. The calendar I have at (the program is called Plans Calendar and can be found at was my calendar of choice but it has quit working properly since the...