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  1. G


    I am trying to make a JXTreeTable in java, but I don't really know how to build the models. I have an ArrayList<Location> countries; list filled with Country objects. This list should be the root. In every Country object there is an ArrayList<Location> regions; list filled with City objects...
  2. G


    Anyone here plays it? I just recently started and so far it's awesome :D. I wrote a blog post about it here: (can't bother writing one here too as that one took more than an hour to write... (Yes I'm a slow writer)) Here is the link...
  3. G

    x10Hosting Giveaway Official Details

    You're not too late, there is still one left
  4. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Is there still money in the christmas promo? Maybe Corey should do, the one that claims post #3000 before next year gets free premium for a year? lol
  5. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    good. Doesn't seem like we'll reach #3000 before 2011 though
  6. G


    Also, google uses cookies to save your location, so even if you would change your IP to one in another country it would show the old one if you visited it before. It's better to test with
  7. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    I don't know, I rarely use them
  8. G


    Ohai thar! Welcome to x10! I hope you enjoy your stay, and that you will like our service!
  9. G

    Using PC Internet in Nokia N86 8 MP Mobile phone

    can it connect to wifi? If so, set up an adhoc network on the PC and connect to that with the phone
  10. G

    and you call yourself a webdesigner... Shame on you!

    and you call yourself a webdesigner... Shame on you!
  11. G

    Holograms replacing rock stars?

    lolol hatsune miku. Anyways, Gorillaz wanted to do this, but it didn't work because the bass would make the smoke vibrate too much, so the holograms would vibrate aswell, don't know why they didn't think of a giant glass screen, maybe it was hard to set up in places idk. Gonna be fun to see...
  12. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    You're not alone, I am in the same situation lol.
  13. G


    eRepublik is a "strategy" browser game. You are a citizen in your country, and you should work, train, fight in wars, write newspapers, own companies etc. You can move to other countries etc aswell if your country has bad economy. If you have time, please join :D Referral link non-referral link
  14. G

    ebay rss feeds stopped working..

    If you use PHP to fetch the RSS, port 80 has been blocked outbound to stop abuse. Could you use javascript to show the RSS feed clientside instead?
  15. G

    Umm...hi there...again?

    Hehe welcome again lol
  16. G

    Network card driver unloads

    Some development: I have now removed the driver and let windows use the default driver. Now when I login to minecraft, I can be in for some seconds then be kicked out without it affecting the rest of the computer (Internet does not go down anymore). Any ideas?
  17. G

    Network card driver unloads

    I think I have the latest, but I'll check. And I think mc uses TCP but I am not sure. But I don't think it is that because I use p2p alot with like 5MB/s without any problems.
  18. G

    Network card driver unloads

    So, I have an issue when playing minecraft online. I check on my network card in the device manager and it says it's working properly. When I connect to a server in minecraft, it instantly says "no drivers are installed for this device" and I lose internet. I have to do a complete reboot to fix...
  19. G

    x10Hosting's Community Minecraft Server

    lol I already play on my own server with some friends, but I might check by someday. Here is a map of our server:
  20. G

    x10Hosting Server Monitor (created by Piotr GRD)

    I didn't assume you would, but the others before you did get bored of them :P