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  1. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    still 296 posts left to 3000 :O. You think we can make it before 2011?
  2. G

    What Programming Language should I learn?

    Depends on the application. If you want cross-platform, java. Games for windows, C# (if you know C# you can make xbox 360 games too (with some additional learning)). Java and C# is pretty much the same syntax even. For mobile apps, Java for everything except iPhone. Android apps are built with...
  3. G

    Packet loss ewwww

    What sort of result do you get when you run ?
  4. G

    Account suspended for hosting illegal content?

    Unfortunately this is a zero tolerance suspension and your account will remain suspended Sent from my samsung galaxy s
  5. G

    Woot, i am 20 now :/

    Happy birthday! Sent from my samsung galaxy s
  6. G

    Hi.. My Name is Venus

    Hello and welcome to x10 Sent from my samsung galaxy s
  7. G

    My Account is Suspended,and there is not Iprober in my space,it's my blog,please help

    Unfortunately this is a zero tolerance suspension and your account will not be unsuspended Sent from my samsung galaxy s
  8. G

    Where is File Manager

    You can either use a ftp client and login with your cpanel details and your domain as host or use the filemanager in cpanel Sent from my samsung galaxy s
  9. G


    Hallo, welcome to x10 I hope you enjoy your visit Sent from my samsung galaxy s
  10. G

    Greetings, all!

    Hello and welcome to x10, good luck with the coding :) Sent from my samsung galaxy s
  11. G

    Oh guys....!!! My name is ian... Nice to see u!

    Hello and welcome,i hope you enjoy your stay Sent from my samsung galaxy s
  12. G

    Are these functions allowed?

    Yes they should work Sent from my samsung galaxy s
  13. G

    Removing wordpress directories

    You can do it from a ftp client or from cpanel file manager Sent from my samsung galaxy s
  14. G

    Please open ssh access for my account/domain

    That is only available on paid or on a VPS Sent from my samsung galaxy s
  15. G

    can i have my account

    Proxy is against the zero tolerance policy and you will not be unsuspended Sent from my samsung galaxy s
  16. G

    Akinator - You won't believe it :)

    Press no all the time
  17. G


    This is a permanent suspension. Runescape phishing sites are not allowed. You are responsible of keeping your account details safe and there is nothing we can do.
  18. G


    You are permanently suspended for hosting nulled scripts.
  19. G

    HELP PLEASE / Unsuspention / I still can not access my cPanel

    You are permanently suspended. You will not get any backup of neither files nor mySQL. Your account will be terminated in a couple of days, then you can make a new account if you wish hosting an allowed website.
  20. G

    x10 in the past!

    in 2005 it cost $1/month to become ad-less (and it came with a free 1 mysql database upgrade). And that's weird, a link to the forums in a 2006 edition leads to a 2010 edition which doesn't even exist in the list to chose from :o