Search results

  1. A

    Domain transfer

    Does x10hosting allow domain transfer and host personal domain on their servers. I have a registered domain at GoDaddy. The domain is unlocked. Now i am trying to locate where under domains in x10hosting cpanel i need to go into to set the nameservers. I tried going into: AddonDomains, but not...
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    cannot connect to ftp server

    I assumed it would go straight to admin section as i clicked on It was not deliberate. Edit: It seems i cannot open a support ticket to reach admin. Also, gomarc is not online as he seems to have the answers. Do you offer a refund on the double deal i...
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    cannot connect to ftp server

    I started a thread on this issue and does not seem to be resolved: I am using the following settings on CoreFTP: user: ata pass: if permitted, will provide password, but i can login to my...
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    cannot connect to ftp server

    sorry for mistake. Tried to submit support ticket. please delete thread.
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    cannot connect to ftp server

    I tried logging into cpanel and it works fine. Tried reconnecting and still the same message: Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry...
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    cannot connect to ftp server

    Thank you for your assistance.
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    cannot connect to ftp server

    That is what i typed in: Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Resolving address of Status...
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    cannot connect to ftp server

    Hello, I tried using Filezila with cpanel username/password and website as host. Still no connection. I even disabled my antivirus in case that is the reason. But no difference.
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    cannot connect to ftp server

    Hi, I had to upgrade on the double deal twice due to the large file size which exceeded my webspace: I was slightly confused if this is the premium hosting or not, but it seems it is still classed as free hosting as it was only a 'one time fee' . I may need to...
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    can't login to support centre

    logged in. Now there is no tickets submitted. I am sure 2 tickets were submitted by admin for me to look into as i have managed to upload files. Can you confirm if admin restored the zip files or was it done on my end as i left the computer on all night to upload files. Now i have setup mysql...
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    can't login to support centre

    Hi, I was given my password to access the status of my ticket ID via email. Yet when i try to login using the password given it shows as: Invalid Username or Password I have tried several times logging in with the email and password given but no joy. The username i tried using email address...
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    Help, required

    No, i tried to copy/paste the ip, but cannot, hence the error. I prefer the as it is direct access. I assume it would be easier this way, still no luck. I guess it makes no difference if i use filezila. Best if i stick to starka, but when the upload begins i get the...
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    Help, required

    Sorry, i forgot to put the dot after 69. Yes, that is the ip that is coming up. I am not using the IP directly, (lol) I am following instructions given in cpanel ftp. So i am using the domain host as:
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    Help, required

    Referring to the properties on CD, it mentions the following: 174 mb (182,810,624 bytes used) The message i get on Filezila is connecting to: 692162.111.26:21 connection timed out could not connect to server And with file manager, there is no message except the upload never seems to end
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    Help, required

    i assumed by now if i convert my .tar file to .zip it would be a breeze to upload. Yet it doesn't seem to upload via both Filezila or file manager. Any clues, thanks.
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    Thanks Sharky for the info. I've managed to extract files and download it and change to .zip file. Now i just need to upload it to server. I tried using FileZilla to connect to x10hosting server but cannot due to server error message. I am trying to upload file using file manage in cpanelr...
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    Yes, i did try but got the following message: Fatal error: ERROR: You do not have access to this Ticket. in /home/support/public_html/modules/tickets/client_tickets.php on line 172
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    Hi, I can't seem to access the status of my ticket which has opened. Also, referring to my query here: Gomarc mentioned the following: 'Free hosting accounts have the cPanel Backup Wizard disabled right now...
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    cPanel full backup in tar.gz format

    I understand some hosting providers charge a fee, so want to know how much it cost? Or is there any other hosting providers that don't charge for it. I tried to upload it via FTP, but didn't work.
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    cPanel full backup in tar.gz format

    Hi, i have my website files on an archive which is a cPanel full backup in tar.gz format. I was told any host will be able to restore the account. Can you confirm the procedure for sending it to restore the backup which is on a compact disc format. As the CPanel backups have to be restored from...