Search results

  1. smithee

    jQuery draggable div disappears in IE and Firefox?

    Hi all, I am wanting to create a portfolio that looks as if it's in a Windows application (I'm a C++ programmer, you see). The majority of the content will be placed inside that "window". I also want to make that window draggable when the user clicks and holds the top. This has been scripted...
  2. smithee

    Two drives on one HDD - make use of D, or expand C??

    Hello everyone, thanks for all your comments! :) I have completed redefining the location of the user folders to D, all went smoothly apart from a couple of issues with unmovable files in My Documents, which in turns cancels the entire process! Even the error message gave false information...
  3. smithee

    Two drives on one HDD - make use of D, or expand C??

    Here's what my current partitions looks like: So by the looks of things, there's a separate partition for the recovery of the computer, so I could proceed to do step 2 rather safely. However: This looks a lot simpler and safer. I'll proceed into doing that right away, and let you guys...
  4. smithee

    Two drives on one HDD - make use of D, or expand C??

    Okay, so my laptop has a C and D drive on the same single HDD. Currently everything is stored on the C drive, and it's running out of room, but the D drive is literally empty! I don't want to delete/uninstall anything (yet), so I have come up with two solutions: Hold the installed programs...
  5. smithee

    Vending Machine (Game)

    You get knocked down by armed police. I insert liquid nitrogen.
  6. smithee

    Vending Machine (Game)

    You get cured from any disease you may have I insert a stock cube
  7. smithee

    The Ctrl+V game

    I needed some milk this morning, so I went round to my neighbours and asked them through the letter box. "We're all out," they replied. "F*** off," I said. "I can hear you in there." A joke I copied and pasted as my Facebook status, although I did modify the above to cover the f-word with...
  8. smithee

    Post your specs

    Intel Core i5 M450 @ 2.4GHz (boosts to 2.66GHz if required), 1066MHz FSB, 3MB 3rd Level Cache 4GB (2x2GB) DDR3 RAM (supports upto 8GB) 500GB 5400rpm HDD (hoping to get an SSD soon) ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 @ 1024MB dedicated VRAM (boosts to 2737MB if required via external RAM, or 4083MB if...
  9. smithee

    Vending Machine (Game)

    You get questioned by the immigration council. I insert Blink-182
  10. smithee

    game: kill the above user

    Defusing a C4 is hard work and has made you hungry, so you eat the banana. What you don't know is that that banana was grown in a highly radioactive area, and so after eating it, you turn green and melt.
  11. smithee

    how to create a login system

    Hi mactrac11, I'm currently creating my own login scripts on behalf of someone else's site (although slowly, as I'm basing it in classes as much as possible!). A while ago, I taught myself on how to achieve this by coming across "PHP for Beginners by a Beginner: Simple Login, Logout, and Session...
  12. smithee

    multiple data entry?

    You're right that the INSERT query problem has got to do with that last comma in $value, but that's required to separate each row of data. What I haven't counted for is that it will still produce it at the very end, when there shouldn't be one. That last comma can easily be removed by using...
  13. smithee

    multiple data entry?

    One mistake I have spotted is mis-using quotes. When you use single quotes, everything is seen as a string, even if it appears to be a variable. When you use double quotes, everything that is not seen as a PHP variable will be displayed as is...
  14. smithee

    multiple data entry?

    Hi rafiq009... first of all there are some smaller things to point out in your code, such as not closing the table tag, and considering using a stronger and more secure MySQL database handlers such as PDO. Anyway, I'll just concentrate on the problem you're wanting to sort out now. <form...
  15. smithee


    Hi testerpage9450, welcome to the forums! When you refer to "table", are you on about tables stored on the server (such as MySQL tables, which only you can view), or a table you've created on your web page that will be shown on web browsers? If possible, can you provide us with a bit more detail...
  16. smithee

    Rate the signature of the person above you!

    8/10 for supplying a link to a smart-looking site, but lost marks for missing a space after the comma
  17. smithee

    Vending Machine (Game)

    You get the entire contents of the machine, with the message "You have the winning hand". I insert a microphone.
  18. smithee

    Whats The Last Game You Bought?

    My latest game(s) I have are Modern Warfare 2 and Guitar Hero 5, but I got 'em for Christmas so I didn't pay for them. The last game I bought myself was The Sims 3. And it ain't even installed on my PC, as Windows decided to do a complete catastrophic crash that forced me to wipe my hard drive...
  19. smithee

    Websites Layout

    Another thing to consider is what your website will be for. For example, if it'll be a portfolio to showcase some of your hard work, then search "examples of portfolio websites". The very first link, 101 Awesome Portfolio Sites - Web Design Blog –, looks awesome and you can get some...
  20. smithee

    Mah MW2 PC Clan

    I have MW2 for PS3... I would have got it for PC but it's a bit on the slow side :( you ever come across any "boosters" on the PC version?