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  1. fflandrath53


    I "voted" female, but I'm a very bad boy...
  2. fflandrath53

    Direct link to Norway Massacre folder

    Public ~> Norway Massacre ~> [5998] Direct link to Norway Massacre folder. Roller~Poster is a content aggregator and online bookmark service; an experimental, not-for-profit application.
  3. fflandrath53

    Review my 1 of a type site, the only of its kind on the whole net?

    Dear Max, It's not a problem, I was just seeking clarification. You have a good concept and you are essentially right that the platform is secondary. Consider it a learning experience. Are your "staff" paid or have some ownership share? If they are volunteers you have to accept that...
  4. fflandrath53

    Review my 1 of a type site, the only of its kind on the whole net?

    Dear puurchoco47, Very cool concept, content rich and no technical problems on my Opera browser that I noticed. However, I am a bit confused about your specific role in relation to the site's creation, ownership and admin. You claim to have built the site from "nothing" yet it appears to be...
  5. fflandrath53

    Review: Fsx Biohazard Airlines

    Dear fsbioairlines14, In addition to what has already been pointed out, I think you need to better explain what a virtual airline is and why anyone would want to fly a load of hazardous waste. Is it a game? A joke or what? (You have devilish sense of humor if it's a joke.) Several...
  6. fflandrath53

    Say About my Site

    Dear jhassingauditor36, Your site looks nice, easy to read and controls seem to work fine. I used Opera browser. I suggest an "About" section to inform people as to what the site is for, who it's intended audience is and why anyone would want to register/post content to it. What is a "Top...
  7. fflandrath53

    US politics: Republican Leadership Conference, Obama Impresonator ... soooo funny!

    Bookmark#1 of 1 Roller~Poster Path:Public ~> Public ~> [5736] Source: C-SPAN Video Blog June 18, 2011Posted by RXBThe Republicans continued their third day of Republican Leadership Conference meetings in New Orleans. The third day was marked by controversy from the appearance of Obama...
  8. fflandrath53

    cPanel "Upgrade"?

    Hi Corey, I checked that and I'm using the normal file manager, although the editor appears to be the legacy version???
  9. fflandrath53

    cPanel "Upgrade"?

    Hi all, Hope this is the appropriate place for this post. I was a bit confused by the directive to respond to a recent cpanel update on starka in the "support" section yet the Starka update thread has been closed? At any rate, I notice that now the editor does not accept a save without first...
  10. fflandrath53

    Please review my site

    Dear choryew36, There isn't much to review, your site is little more than a link to Xpango. If you are interested in web design you should start with an on line tutorial, there are several, just Google something like "web tutorial." Here's one I have used for a long time and find it a good...
  11. fflandrath53

    Cpanel disk stats

    Hello everyone, For the last month or so my disk space on Cpanel was holding steady at about 9MB. Then yesterday when I logged in it had jumped to about 18MB. I did not upload any files or create any that I'm aware of. Should I be concerned? Thanks for your kind consideration and great...
  12. fflandrath53

    Need suggestion for my website

    Hey fflandrath53, Very tough approach and no politeness in your comment. Of course I have to improve my English. Anyway thanks for visiting my webpage. Please don't be offended or discouraged by my, or anyone else's comments about your web site. Nonetheless, it would be no help to you...
  13. fflandrath53

    Need suggestion for my website

    Dear reachpriya8813, "So on an average out of 100 visitors, my website is converting at least 10 of them are my customers." Can you prove that statement? A 10% rate seems very high to me. If that were true, I doubt you'd be using free hosting, or so adamantly refuse to publish...
  14. fflandrath53

    Little Help Needed

    Great site and purpose. I tried 5 cities and seemed to work fine on each...
  15. fflandrath53


    Thank you, vv.bbcc19, you are too kind.
  16. fflandrath53


    Thanks to both stardom and vv.bbcc19 for their comments. It's clear to me you guys are playing at a much higher level than me. I'm happy if I can just make the site load without errors...:-)
  17. fflandrath53


    Thank you all for taking the time and effort to point out the reCaptcha error. I found the problem and it seems to be working fine now. As for SEO I have not put that much thought into it and have focused primarily on the coding. I think you are right about the directories, Cybrax, and will...
  18. fflandrath53


    Roller~Poster is what I call a content aggregator (public) and bookmark service (public and private, with registration). It's an evolving application that I've been playing around with for a couple years. Recently I've added several new modules, including the Associated Press on line content...
  19. fflandrath53

    Review for Mafia Game Website

    I'd like to play your game, and maybe it's jut me but your choice of font/colors makes my eyes blur. Anything darker than yellow on a black background becomes problematic, especially when using such a small font size. Also, why do you require a registration process to play and why do you...
  20. fflandrath53

    Calling all users on the "Starka" server

    Echoing praises and noted improvements. Thanks Corey, x10.