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  1. W

    Is Adobe Fireworks worth it?

    I think that Adobe Photoshop CS3 would be better than fireworks, i have had personal experience and i think that photoshop is alot easier to understand. Just my opinion;)
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    [game} Rename the person above you

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    My Computer

    Hi Everyone!, I just made my own computer! it's running awesome. SPECS: cpu: intel centuro duo 2.0ghz hdd: 250 SATA + 1TB external motherboard: MSI p35 neo graphics: 512 Nividia/Gforce Ram: Kingston 2 1GB'S OS: XP Pro & Linux What do you think?
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    Review My Site

    Thanks guys, The messages from staff are on every-page because we post updates using php, and we post related things on related pages. As for the Home button i thought it was alright but if u guys want it changed i will. Thanks for the html/css errors, ill get onto that ASAP.
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    Upload progress monitor

    Hi radofeya, i don't think you can but depending on the FTP program you use they ussually have a status bar.
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    Hey all im new and i have a question.

    hey DaWur Have fun in the forums!
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    Review My GAME!!!

    The site is not working for me either!
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    Purchasing a Hard Disk

    guys, guys What happened to the old 1GB IDE HDD's they are so cool!
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    Site Review Hi, First of all, GREAT SITE! really like the whole layout, like the shout bok and scrolling link's at the top, nice scripting!. On the downside: you don't have an internal forum, i would recommend phpbb or smf and persanilise it to your site. Also, some of the pictures...
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    plz help

    good idea, but you could create a gateway page asking them what there resolution is, than whateva button they click will determin what site they goto, alternativly you could use a popup
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    Help with my login/register script

    Scripts really guys, what i usually do is steal the login script of a forum like smf/phpbb and edit it to my site! alot easier
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    Review My Site

    Hi everyone, could someone please review my site and give me some feedback, thanks!
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    Site Search

    Hi everyone!, i have a site search on my main page and was wondering how to make it actually work! it would be great if it worked so my users had easier access to my sites contents
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    Review My Site

    Hi everyone!, i would like as many people as possible to review my site and tell me what they think about it, i would like honest reviews good/bad comment's (constructive criticism) and would appreciate it if you signed up for my forum while you are there.
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    My Site Upgraded

    Thanks, but i really like the iframe, i will take your advice on the colour and font though. Thanks!
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    My Site Upgraded

    What would you suggest?
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    My Site Upgraded

    Thanks, What doyou mean by "spice"?
  18. W

    review my site

    Site Review Hi, your site has a blank but has a nice touch to it, i would recomend i few more colours. I like the login panel or your index page that link's to your forum, nice idea. Overall: i give it about a 6/10 but t could improve a fair bit!
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    Review My Site

    Review Very nice, sleek and sylish. I like the way you have put a logon script to the forum on you index and i really like the gateway. Great navigation/menu's. Overall: I realy like what you have done and think that the site in a few year's will have about 500-600 members, GOOD JOB!
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    My Site Upgraded

    Hi guy's i have recently upgraded my site, it now includes php so that i can add staff messages without worying about upload/download. Please give me a review on my site, there is 1 dead link to a blog because i havn't completed it yet. I would appreciate constructive critisizm so that i can...