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    OnSetBlur + Focus in AS 3.0.

    Does someone know how to produce onSetFocus and onSetBlur in actionscript 3.0. . . I'm a little confused as to how to use it and want to have some default text in an input box when it isn't focused. thanks
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    Image checkbox

    Is it possible to substitute a checkbox for an image so that I can post user selections to myself? If so can anyone suggest how..? I've used input type='image' value='Submit' to make an image a submit button so I am hoping I can do something similar with the checkbox. Indebted
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    Do I have Cron?

    Sorry I don't see an advanced section in the cPanel directory. Are you sure?
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    Do I have Cron?

    Do I have 'cron' on my server? I am trying to put a time delay on an email response and have heard on linux (as I am) there should be 'cron' on my server. But I am currently unable to locate it there - can you direct me to it or is there a better way of achieving this?
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    How do I protect my form in php??

    Yes. . . I have created a form in HTML that once submitted is sent to a php page where it is then sent onto me> my question is how to protect from spammers that can get hold of the recipient email address. Any good tips or effective coding would be great.
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    change submit button for image

    exactly what I'm talking about scoochie!! thanks - you really pulled it out there. Incidentally I incorporated the rollover like this - a big thanks for the concern from all. <input type='image' src='next.gif' width="160" height="36" value='Submit' border="0" id="nextstep" alt='Submit'...
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    change submit button for image

    I'm more than a little stuck with this but I'm sure someone can help- I have a form that is posted to a php page on submitting. I want to change the standard submit button to something more customised - like an image that I have created. Here's the code that I have for this. Currently the...
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    Trouble removing application

    no - in phpmyadmin - I have previously been told that I would be able to create them there - what do you advise as I'd prefer to do everything (create & maintain the database all in the same place)? Edit: guys??
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    Trouble removing application

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    secret forward

    To reiterate... - If anyone knows how to specify individual $name variables so that each email recipient receives a greeting with only their individual name I (and countless others I'm sure) would like to hear from you. with patient thanks/
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    Trouble removing application

    thanks - it's gone but for some reason I'm unable to create a new database in its place. It shows the following error message: Not sure why but really appreciate the help.
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    Trouble removing application

    the name is bungle_coin(1). Thanks Corey.
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    Trouble removing application

    I tried to remove the phpcoin application. I did so by going to the fantversion (as I have in the past) and removing it from there. However it didn't recognise that it was already installed on my server so I removed the files manually but I still have the database in my phpmyadmin which I cannot...
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    php form

    not really - the not knowing how to do it made it quite difficult but do you think that could work? and what should I change? Edit: I just want to alert you that the problem was in the actionscript with this line: = variables; which should have been: =...
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    secret forward

    nor does this work - I've tried various combinations as well but this one doesn't work. Have you already done this? Does it definitely work? 'cos if so then it must be something this end/ I appreciate the plugs here ---------------------------------- I've just seen that actually with this...
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    secret forward

    strictly speaking that didn't work but sure was a nice effort. Not sure why but it didn't send to the variables - only forwarded to me. Perhaps it was because it didn't have the $to = $tomail at the bottom like the others - I'm not sure to be honest. If this is possible though I know we'll do...
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    php form

    well I have since tried with a simple html form and it was all fine so I really think it must be the flash - what can I do to corner the exact problem and rectify it?
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    secret forward

    definitely useful and it works but how could I alter the message for each so that only each person's address is seen in the address bar instead of multiple addresses and so that each friend is greeted with only their name? I'm just wondering because the user can only divide the names and email...
  19. B

    php form

    thanks for the effort with this. Unfortunately I did try that and there was no content in the email so I am posting my flash actionscript code as well to make sure nothing is wrong there. Contact_Parse.php contains the php content previously posted (and then altered as advised). stop()...
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    php form

    I want to put one to you that is probably glaringly obvious but bear with me. I have a simple form where users post a comment submitting their name and email address. But I can't get any of the variables to show up in the message - can anyone tell me why? ? - I'm new to it all so be gentle> lol...