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  1. G

    Account suspension reason torrents

    Torrents are against our zero tolerance policy, and you will not be unsuspended
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    i have not logedin for so many time pass

    What is your cPanel username and server? If you have been inactive for more than 41 days then your account is probably already terminated
  3. G

    server address

    the FTP address is your domain
  4. G

    x10 VPS :)

    This is VPS talk, not support ;) It's been out for a couple of weeks already and it were in the newsletter (with promo codes if I remember right)
  5. G

    Your Hosting Account is Suspended

    You were hosting a proxy on your account, which is against our zero-tolerance policy. Youar account will not be unsuspended
  6. G

    The new iPad

    Well, the Microsoft Surface isn't really portable is it?
  7. G

    need more memory_limit

  8. G

    need more memory_limit

    The limit will probably be set back to 64M when everything is running smoothly. What you could try is to try to lower the value where the scripts tries to set that, and if you are lucky the script runs anyway (this may or my not work)
  9. G


    Don't forget to vote at if you like the site :D
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    The new iPad

    You think will be any competition against the iPad?
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    Thanks :D. This coming week they are gonna review the content and activity on the site for the contest. I hope I pass :D. Btw, 1st prize in the contest is ~$2800
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    Cossacks temp high %

    Admins are currently checking on it
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    shell access

    If you need shell access you would need to buy a paid plan or a VPS
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    What happens when too many emails are sent

    Well, then the spammers can continue to spam, but only the first n emails every hour get the spam, so it isn't really helping then
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    New forums

    I also have this problem with my tutorial site... It is user-generated but I have to send in all tutorials or pay for them because few people do xD. Same with the forums...
  16. G

    adenhanced upgrade

    The ad-enhanced packages has been removed to be replaced with unlimited space and b/w on June 1. If you need more databases etc you would need to buy the double all package or a paid plan
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    Lol yeah I know. It's a bug in Pligg that were fixed in the latest version, but I don't want to update it until the contest are over, incase something goes wrong. And thanks for the tutorials :D
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    New adobe cs5 has launched!!!!

    I totally agree, if you are serious about business you really need to use photoshop as it is much of an industry standard (and that is why we learn photoshop in school and not GIMP)
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    what are Credits on this forum

    They are used in the marketplace or to get free rewards like domains or paypal payouts
  20. G


    Anyone got any ideas on how to increase activity? The contest the site is in ends soon and I really want 1 or 2 users by then...